Ch. 1

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"Finally... The bell." I think to myself as I pack up my stuff to leave. I quickly walk out of the classroom, not sparing a glance in anyone's direction. I was sick of this place and I wanted to be gone from this hellhole. I go to my locker and get my bag, slinging one strap on my shoulder. I put on my headphones and spin on my heel for the door. I unlock my phone and start playing Singular by Sanitys Fall.(AN: this song is so good btw) I push open the weirdly big doors to my school and head for the sidewalk. I keep walking without looking back, I just wanted to be gone fast since today was the start of spring break.

After walking for quite some time, I check my surroundings. I look all around and see no one. I let out a sigh of relief and start walking to an old park. It was near my house and slightly overgrown, but I didn't mind. I would even spend nights out there when I needed a break. Although I was excited to get there, I decided last minute to hit up a gas station and then go.

I walk to the nearest gas station and grab a monster from the freezer. I use the money I stole from a kid to pay for it. I finally left and went to the old park.

For some reason the park was kind of deep in the forest, but I thought that made it better. Nobody could see the park, which ment nobody would bother me there. When I got there I sat on the old rusty swing set, setting my bag on the floor and opening my monster, drinking it. I was still playing music in my headphones but I kept one ear out. As I sat there, gently swaying in the swing, I felt calm. The weather was starting to warm up, which ment the wind was warmer, so it felt nicer as the wind blew in my hair and against my skin.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the peace around me. I sat like that for awhile as I drank my monster. When I finally opened my eyes again, it was sunset. I took that as my sign to leave, as I picked up my bag and got up from the swing set. I quietly walked home, keeping my eyes on the sidewalk and my hands in my pockets.

It was starting to get dark as I finally made it to my house. I took the key from my bag and unlocked the front door. As I stepped inside and locked the door back, I noticed no one was home. I was okay with it, but it was strange. My birth parents would almost never be home, so I was used to this. I walked upstairs and put my bag away, quickly going back downstairs for some food.

When I got to the kitchen I saw a note on the fridge. I picked it up and read it.

Staying at a friends house for the weekend. There's food in the fridge, call me if you need anything. :)
- Mom

I crumbled up the note and threw it away. A few months back my parents died in an awful car crash on the highway. I had no family members that would take me, so I went into foster care, causing Sheryl and Dave to take me in. I didn't hate them, but I didn't like them either. They're better than my actual family, but they're too nice. It feels weird to be around them since I'm not used to it.

I let out a sigh as I grab some ramen and cook it, going back upstairs to my room. I sat on my bed and turned on the surprisingly big TV Sheryl had got me. I sat the bowl in my lap as I switched it on to the news channel. They kept talking about the infamous "Smiling Killer". He was always on the news so I just turned on some cartoons and ate my ramen.

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That's it! Also, what's your favorite monster flavor? I personally don't have one, but my go to is the white one :]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2024 ⏰

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