Chapter 2: "Surprise!"

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With Kyungsoo's hand firmly but gently grasping onto your hand, he eagerly pulled you along to where Exo's Managers where standing watching over everyone.
"Hyung!" D.O began to speak to his manager in Korean which to your dismay you did not understand any of it. As you stared confused they all turn to look at you and D.O gently took your injured arm showing them the wound. You winced at the small amount of pain and D.O immediately apologized. The managers sighed and looked at you
"Alright young lady we shall treat your arm, and as an apology for causing so much trouble we will give you a special surprise... so long as you don't have anywhere to go for this week." They smiled but in a way that seemed serious and you just nodded in response
"A-alright ...I'm probably not busy" Truth is you were never busy but you didn't want to seem like a complete loser. One of the managers clapped and smiled brightly
"Well alright if you don't mind you shall be coming with us for a week" he grinned and you stared "oh but I don't want to be a bother..." D.O gently took your hand into his and smiled brilliantly
"No bother... It is an offer you cannot refuse!" He winked and looked at the Hyung's.
"Alright, Well you shall need clothes, so for the first part of you 'gift', if you will, Shall be shopping for clothes to which we shall all accompany" you stared wide eyed.
"Oh my... THANK YOU SO MUCH!" You began to tear up as you felt so much joy build up. Noticing that, D.O hugged you immediately and pet your head, to which everyone around you stared making you blush in embarrassment. D.O noticed the staring and quickly let go a small blush appearing onto his pale cheeks as he stood there awkwardly.
"Well Kyungsoo you need to go with the others to get you signing done and In the meantime we shall take care of this young lady, who we still do not know the name of." The managers sent Kyungsoo off and turned to you.
"OH!" you bowed your head in embarrassment and then blushed "Sorry I hadn't introduced myself before my name is (y/n) " You sighed and then straightened up as they chuckled waving for you to follow them, which you did.
You met with Exo's traveling medic who treated your wound and sent you to sit while the celebrities finished their signing session. You sat there for a couple of hours with a boredom washing over you, later the manager helped you out of your seat so you could meet with the rest of the group. As the boys made their way towards you and the managers, you noticed most of them were staring at you, which made you blush and hold your back pack even tighter against yourself.
"Annyeonghaseyo!" Baekhyun quickly shouted across to you with a big goofy smile. You began to hide even more behind your backpack as you felt heat rise to your cheeks. Baekhyun began to pout at your lack of response and then suddenly turned to the manager as her snapped his fingers trying to get everyone to look at him.
"Everyone this is (y/n), due to certain events we are going to take care of her for this upcoming week so please be sure to treat her in the best way possible and get along well!" he smiled and after getting some slight confused gazes he translated it into Chinese and Korean for those who did not understand very well. D.O quickly appeared by your side and smiled as he used your shoulder as an arm rest.
"Annyeonghaseyo (y/n)" everyone greeted together. This made you blush and hide behind Kyungsoo.
"Alright first off we're going to take miss (y/n) here shopping for some clothes for her stay so let's all load up into the van" everyone smiled and cheered as they were escorted along with you to a van to which you stopped abruptly.
"Um but what about my car?" you looked at the manager and he smiled
"I'll have one of the workers bring It just tell me the license plate number, car model, and what section you parked it in and we will take it for you" you nodded and gave him the keys getting into the van. Of course you sat in the van with all the Exo-k member and you blushed as you were now sitting between D.O and Baekhyun.
"So (y/n)..." Baekhyun began as D.O awkwardly sat next to you blushing "What happen to you so you can come ?" he said in a not so perfect English but never the less cute and effortless.
"Oh well... I was pushed by someone and got hurt, and so Kyungsoo helped me, and the managers said that this was an apology gift for the trouble" you sighed
"Oh I see..." he looked to you wounded arm which was by his side and he gently raised it placing a kiss onto the bandages. You blushed pure red and shyly tucked your arm away while behind you, you sensed and aura of jealousy. You catch a glimpse of a glaring D.O as Baekhyun bows his head apologetically. To this you giggle snapping Kyungsoo out of his mood. D.O looks at you smiling sheepishly as he leaned back. A couple of minutes pass and your boredom get the better of you and you begin to hum one of their songs softly. The boys begin to listen in and softly sing to the tune. You blush and stop humming and you hear Suho 'aw' from in front of you.
"That was very good (y/n) I wonder what you sound like when you sing~" he smiled sweetly and you covered you face.
"I would never be able to sing Especially not in front of you guys.." you sighed and leaned you head back until your eyes met with Chanyeol who sat behind you.
"Why not?" he asked bluntly as he reached squishing your chubby cheeks.
"I get too nervous and scared to sing in front of people..." you whimper and bow your head back down.
"Aw don't worry (y/n) that used to happen to me" Sehun commented
"It used to happen to all of us at some point, Except for maybe Baekhyun here" D.O chuckled and Baekhyun Stuck his tongue out at him.

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