Filler episode: Meeting Jaune's sisters

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Writer's note: this will be a much longer chapter than usual, there'll be no major impact on the story as this is mainly made for fun and to help everyone get a better feel for the characters.

Jaune: It had been a few weeks after the incident at the docks and the semester ended. On the week of the coming fall holidays, Jaune decided to pay his family a visit back home. He had heard that even Saphron was taking a break from work as well to come home and visit with everyone. Normally Jaune would be excited to see his family after so long, but this time was a bit different as he had a few friends coming along as well. 

"You know..." He said with his words muffled through his mask. "I wouldn't mind if a few of you came along on this trip, but did you ALL have to come?" He asked looking back at the rest of his team, team RWBY and team MWDS.

Marilyn: "Oh, come on Blood Boy!" She said walking backwards in front of him. "You know your sisters love me. Besides I've been meaning to see Rosemary again, it's been ages since we hung out."

Yang: "Plus you talk about them all the time, I really want to see what they're like in person!"

Ruby: "Oo! Oo! me too!" Ruby said with stars in her eyes. "Oh, I can't wait to hear all about your stories growing up!"

Ren: "You do seem to hype them up quite a bit. I'll admit, I'm starting to get a bit curious about them as well."

Nora: "Same here! Oh! do you think they'll have snacks for us?"

Ren: "Nora..." He said with an annoyed expression.

Jaune: "Okay, I get why you all want to come at least... but why you guys?" He asked looking to Weiss and team MWDS. "I thought you didn't have much interest in me."

Wendy: "Incorrect." She said in a simple manor. "You are an enigma Jaune Arc, meeting your siblings will help to understand you better."

Weiss: "That and some of us thought we'd get a laugh out of your sisters embarrassing you."

Darrian: "SOME of us more than others..." He said looking to Weiss who huffed in response.

Jaune: "*moans* Great." He said looking down at the ground while walking.

Sussie: "So who all are we going to meet?" Sussie asked looking at Jaune. "I know you've mentioned them before, but I'd like to get the full picture again."

Jaune: "Well let's see..." He said as he began counting with his fingers while naming his family members. "There's dad, Saph, Oli, Rose. Karen, Vi, Aqua, and Jade. Including me, there's nine of us in total."

Blake: "What about your mother?" She asked curiously as everyone eyed Jaune waiting for an answer.

Pyrrha: "Come to think of it, I don't believe you've ever once mentioned your mother."

Jaune: "That's... a story I'd rather not get into..." he said as everyone dropped the subject soon after. After a few minutes of traveling to the residential district of Vale, Jaune and his friends arrived at the Arc residence. Jaune's house was in the center of a field with a few trees in the surrounding area. It wasn't fancy, but it was nice and cozy for the Blood Boy growing up. Jaune let out an exhale of steam as he prepared to open the door only to have it explode open in his face. 

Jade: "JAUNE!" She shouted as she hug tackled him to the ground. "I'm so happy you made it!" She said nuzzling his chest while everyone looked at them with various expressions.

Jaune: Feeling embarrassed already, Jaune tried pushing his sister off of him. "Jade, can't breathe, can't breathe!" After Jade got off Jaune and helped him up, the rest of Jaune's sisters came out of the house to see the commotion going on. Immediately once they saw their brother, they all came up to Jaune and group hugged him. "*Cough* Dying, literally dying right flashing...before my eyes!" Jaune said as his friends all laughed and chuckled at this interaction. Once he was free, Jaune took a minute to catch his breath until Saphron approached him. 

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