Chapter 25

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The ambulance arrived shortly

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The ambulance arrived shortly. The EMTs rushed into the room and pushed us aside. They sprayed a small bottle Narcant into Mary's nostrils. She gasped for a sudden breath of air before they strapped her to a cot and wheeled her to the back of the tuck. Reid hopped in the backseat, dialing his dad on the way.

I ran over to my grandma's house and found her in the living room, cleaning the carpet. "Grandma," I yelled, tears rolling down my face.

She jumped, startled, and turned around, powering off the vacuum. "What happened?"

"It's-" I struggled to catch my breath.

"Calm down, take a deep breath, and then let it out," she took my hand in hers and breathed with me. "Now what's wrong?"

"It's Mary, Reid's mom. She overdosed and I found her in her room. They took her to the hospital. Oh my god is Reid going to lose his mom," I rambled.

"What," she gasped, covering her mouth. "Mary?"

"Yes," I nodded.

She took me into her arms, rubbing my back to soothe me. "You wait right here, I'm going to grab my keys and purse and then we're going to the hospital." She nodded.

We drove over to the hospital Mary was staying in. The place was packed as always. Doctors were running around, and baskets of flowers were dumped on the nurse's station. The smell of the hospital and cold air made me cringe, remembering what it was like to wake up in one of their beds.

"Mary Williams," my grandma asked the receptionist.

The receptionist scrolled down the list of patients on her computer, her tongue swiping over her lips. "Oh yes, Mary. She was just brought in. You can wait with her son in the waiting room." She pointed a red polished fingernail towards the room around the corner.

We thanked her and followed her directions. Reid sat with his back against the chair, his head against the wall. "Reid," my grandmother called him.

His eyes popped open, they were red and puffy. It broke my heart to see him in pain. He stood up and walked into my grandma's arms. She rubbed his back, causing him to sigh.

"How is she doing?" She took a step back and asked.

"They won't tell me anything, but she was breathing the last time I saw her. I just don't understand. Where did she get those drugs from?" His fist tightened by his side.

"Where's your dad, baby," she asked.

"He just got off of work, he's on his way. God I knew one of us should've stayed home with her today, she was so sad this morning." He blamed himself.

"No, don't do that." My grandma grabbed his chin, "None of this is your fault, Reid. Do you hear me?" My grandma put a stop to whatever blame Reid tried to put on himself.

His Summer Addiction (Removing on July 30th)Where stories live. Discover now