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Today was the fourteenth of June- the day after Kiara's birthday.

Last night, Kiara returned to the treehouse after receiving Darius' two presents. Darius had scattered immediately after giving her his second gift, and she was disappointed to find him with his eyes closed, leaning against the sofa beside Sammy. Kiara couldn't say anything to him, but that didn't matter as she had no idea what to say!

Her mind ran circles around her heart, and her cheeks were hot. Though she knew she would be tired tomorrow, Kiara couldn't sleep. Darius kissed her on the cheek! She couldn't believe it.

All those small comments Yasmina made about her and Darius made sense, even Brooklynn's and Sammy's when they played truth or dare! Everything was coming together. Kiara's mind was racing.

When she and Darius hid in the boy's room so he could tell her the rest of his haunted tale, Kiara returned to the girl's room. Brooklynn said that she and Darius had "seemed pretty cosy." At the time, Kiara was oblivious to the true meaning, but now her cheeks were ablaze.

And Sammy! When she and Sammy were by the fountain, and she was talking to her about Darius, Sammy just gave her this strange, knowing smirk!

How had it been so obvious for everyone else, but she completely overlooked it? God, she liked him! And Darius must like her back; otherwise, why had he done what he did!?

She was so embarrassed that Darius had kissed her, but she couldn't understand why he would kiss her! And in case anyone couldn't tell, it was a kiss! An actual kiss!

Kiara could barely contain her excitement as she fanned her hands about. She squealed before gasping and covering her mouth, glancing at the other campers. Kenji snored loudly, and Kiara turned away. Everyone was still asleep!

As Kiara continued to giggle, grin and roll side-to-side, she was careful not to be too loud.

Her birthday was perfect!


It must have been 3 p.m. when everyone awoke. The campers looked dismayed at their remaining food supply. Only some things were left over after the party and reckless eating the six weeks before. How could they be so terrible at rationing?

The food in the bunker should have lasted at least another two weeks! Yet they were returning to the abandoned Hidden Adventure theme park with tired eyes and deep frowns.

The sun was barely noticeable, thick grey clouds wrapping around it as they painted the sky ash grey.

Sammy looked to the sky with concern. "Maybe we should hurry up, y'all. 'Looks like there's gonna be a bad storm."

"It's fine," Brooklynn yawned, rubbing her eye, "We've already had one bad storm this month. I doubt we're going to get another one."

Kiara looked around and frowned, crossing her arms. "I don't know, Brook. Let's leave before it gets worse."

Brooklynn glanced at Kenji and Darius, and they shrugged. She looked at Ben and Yasmina, who were completely unbothered.

"Alright, fine! Let's go then," Brooklynn said, picking up the pace.

The other campers nodded and started to move faster, but when Yas began to zoom past, they each tried to run faster. It soon became a race to the bunker, the seven kids laughing as they ran.

After Darius typed the pin, the campers climbed into the bunker and gathered the last of their food supply.

Outside the warmth of the fading luxury of Hidden Adventure, the wind was picking up. Gusts of cold air swarmed outside, and the clouds wept. It rained so heavily that a mist formed near the ground, and the sky darkened.

𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒 - camp cretaceousWhere stories live. Discover now