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The sun had finished its shift and was ready to take leave, draining the sky of its blue coat. The blends of purple, orange and pink filled the sky, and the full moon slowly walked up for its evening shift. Around it, the stars scattered themselves in various shapes and sizes, glowing brightly. They dazzled the sky.

The largest edmontosaur snorted, and the smaller ones froze to look up at it. The large edmontosaur looked to the jungle and plodded away, and the little ones squealed, running to keep up with it.

As the final snort of the passive herbivores faded away, Kiara glanced over at Darius. He was staring at the sky. She hesitated before kissing his cheek and looking up to the sky.

Both campers blushed, but Darius didn't point it out to avoid embarrassing Kiara. He pointed to a jagged constellation, and Kiara's dark eyes followed his finger.

"That's Cassiopeia," Darius said, "It was my dad's favourite. He met my mum stargazing one night since they ended up by the same telescope all alone. It represents the Queen sitting on her throne- the constellation. After that, my dad would call my mum his "Queen."

Kiara sighed pleasantly. "It's so pretty," she said, watching the shimmering collection of stars.

As she looked to the right, her smile grew. She recognised the constellation. She took Darius' hand, so he was pointing at a heart-shaped cluster of stars.

"That one's called the Messier 50. I don't know much about astrology, but I always remember it because it was Mum's favourite constellation!" Kiara sat up, grinning.

"Would you believe she bought a black dress and matching heels and got them to personalise it with a million-and-one gold studs in the shape of Messier 50? At least, that's what Kenji says. I was out for this meeting Dad arranged with the kids of his business partners. Kenji said Dad was annoyed because the event's dress code was "Regal in White."

"You can always trust Kenj's word, can't you?" Darius joked, "But I'm not surprised it was her favourite. You don't see constellations like that every day. I can't see any of them from where I live very well."

Kiara frowned sadly for him, "That's such a shame. Once we're off the island, you can visit the astrology museum near me. And the dino one, too!"

Darius broke into another smile plaguing him since last night as the two fell quiet. They stared at the star-splattered sky, feeling quite pleased with themselves, and then Kiara furrowed her brows.

Kiara turned so she was facing Darius, eyeing him curiously. "Darius, I have a question," she murmured.

Darius perked up, propping himself up to stare at Kiara intently. When she stayed silent, he nodded for her to continue.

"Does this mean we're dating?"

Darius' eyes widened, and he shot up, waving his hands frantically in front of himself. "Yes!-I mean, Maybe? No! Well, only if you want us to be?" he stammered, laughing nervously as he scratched the back of his neck.

"I think I'd like to be," Kiara admitted, "But I've never gone out with anyone before. That was Kenji's thing. I don't think he's had an actual girlfriend before."

"I haven't either. Two people in my class went out before Summer Break but just paraded the school hand-in-hand. I don't think I ever saw them hanging out like normal," Darius said.

Kiara's face fell. "Oh... I don't want to not hang out with you," she said. "That'd be like... okay, I don't have anything to compare that to, but I know I would hate it, and I don't usually hate things."

𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒 - camp cretaceousWhere stories live. Discover now