Info Page: Characters included, Uni. facts, & Trigger Warnings

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Characters Included:


Entity 303


Rainbow Steve

Blue Steve

Red Steve

Green Steve

Just regular Steve! :D

And Alex!

An OC the Chaos Council made called Mark! (Picture will be included when he is drawn. Right side will be when he's possessed (yes there will be ghost type possession) and the left when he's normal!)

Maybe a couple appearances of Notch..? Probably not

Universe/Character facts:

Herobrine(name shortened to Hero more often than not): his eyes glow in the dark. They're his own little flashlights! He cannot light up an entire room with them and cannot turn them off. He can stop projectiles from hitting him and can manipulate how a body moves by a wave of his hand. HUUUUUGGE sadist. Used to have a soft spot for someone but [Information Redacted]. When he's not torturing someone, he's easy to make laugh.

Entity 303(name often shortened to 303 or Ent [Said like this: eh-n-T] ): good at manipulating emotions. Has caused a lot of problems. Has committed a lot of crimes... when he teleports, he makes any person within 8 feet of him black out or have blindness and nausea for about 3 seconds. Also a sadist.

Null(often called "Babes" by Hero for no reason): a little black sentiment gas cloud. He loves [Redacted]. Somehow can be put on a chain and likes it. 😳 not so much a sadist as a masochist but doesn't like to feel pain and loves destruction.

Rainbow Steve(name shortened to Rainbow or RS cuz laziness): incredibly sweet. Like... sweet candy sweet. Innocent in the aspects of often misjudged as stupid but knows much more than he lets on. (Surprisingly clean minded, not for long) has a high voice since it's like he hasn't hit puberty yet but that's just his innocence.

Blue Steve(no nickname yet): extremely chill. He lets almost everything slide. Say something racist, he don't care. Insult him, he don't care. His nature is considered to be that of a gods. But no. He just has stopped caring. He gives good cuddles.

Red Steve(no nickname): anger issues? Nah. Sleep deprivation that is misunderstood as anger issues? Yeah man. This man's has not slept since he was created. And has caused mass destruction since. He loves the fire and the screams of the innocent, but surprisingly leaves Rainbow, the most innocent deity known to mankind, alone.. red stone is his favorite anything but red or blue flowers make him happy as well.

Green Steve(Tree man): while he's not smart, puzzles are the easiest thing he can do. Besides make a person rich. But he'd rather not. Despite being reasonable he's very stubborn.

Steve(called Copycat by Hero): he's protective of Alex. The only human Hero wouldn't dare hurt. Not easily insulted not easy to make annoyed. An outstanding amount of patience.

Alex: independent and willing to help with everything while also being kind. She met Mark before she met Steve but was able to bond with Steve more than Mark for... reasons.

Mark: an experiment gone right! Was Notch's scientist's pride and joy. He was very kind and generous. And would help unite villages across the world as best as he could. Even when he got possessed, when he had control, he was so kind. The person who possessed him... not so much. That person caused death and enjoyed it. The two boys eventually did get along and had a very nice relationship.

Notch: notch is notch man. He was willing to reason with even murderers about their punishment and rewarded everyone equally, no matter how well they did. Equality is his thing.

Many things of the real world will be included, such as school lifestyles and proper time.

Things of Minecraft will be kept the same pretty much.

Trigger warnings:

HEAVY smut

Kinks (binding, collars and leashes, degrading, cutting, etc)

Death, lots of it

Maybe gore? Idk yet

Bad eating habits


✨Huge egos✨

That's all for now. Thanks for reading this.. 

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