Chapter 8:

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Estella's POV:

I woke up in the morning feeling myself laying on someone

I slowly open my eyes looking up seeing a sleeping Marco

But that's not what I was focused on I was focused on the extremely bad pain in my face

I move my hand to my face trying to stop it but only make it worse as I began silently crying placing my head back down on my brothers chest

I guess my brother was aware of my sobbing because he woke up

Marco's POV:

I was sleep until I heard faint sobs as I quickly open my eyes seeing my baby sister sobbing quietly on my chest

Well trying to cry silently

I quickly sat her up on my chest so I could see her and she could see me

"What's what baby" I asked although I had a feeling I already knew

"Me hurtwing" she sobbed out as my thoughts were confirmed

Ill go get some calpol

I pull her down laying her head on my shoulder as I stand up of the bed walking to the kitchen where I see it's completely dark and there was only one presence in here


He never really slept

Guessing he sensed my presence because his shadowed head moves towards me as he turns on the mini light in here

"What are you doing" I asked moving to the fridge

"I could ask the same " he replied as he looked at the crying baby

"Well I'm giving her some calpol then hopefully going back to bed"

He nods his head as I grab the calpol shutting the fridge getting the syringe thingy as I bring it to her mouth and give it to her

God I hope she sleeps after this

As I walk passed the living room I get the pacifier

I make my way back upstairs with the child that is still sobbing quietly

She wasn't crying really hard anymore though

Which tells me it still hurt but not as bad

I open my door walking in locking the door as I go to the bed laying down pulling the covers over both of us as she still sobs quietly into my neck

I rub her back trying to calm her down

"Baby girl you have to calm down otherwise you'll be sick" I whispered to her

She just carrion sobbing as I thought I'll try the pacifier

It would be trying my luck

But I was here to try anything for my baby to stop crying

I hold the pacifier putting it in her mouth as she stops crying and deals with the pain by sucking on it

Damn I could've done that this whole time

Fuck sake

I rub circles on her lower back running my other hand through her hair as I feel her slowly start to fall back to sleep

Marco's POV:

It's currently the next morning and I'm we have to leave Estella with Alex today since everyone else is busy

I hand Estella to Alex as I also make sure to tell him where all the things he might need are

"The pacifier and all that are in the living room for now while our men sort out the walls and floor in the room that's going to be the bedroom" I said to him as he rolled his eyes at me and Estella as he takes her and walks of to the living room

Alex's POV:

The boys had just left the house for the day and I was stuck looking after Estella

I must say I love her with all my heart I'm just to scared to get close again

But when I saw the bruise on her face I was so angry that day I went on a killing spree

I sit on the couch putting her next to me as I turn on a kid show and go on my phone

A few minutes later

"Lex" a innocent little voice said from beside me


I don't let anyone call me that

"What" I responded

"Where's Atty" she said looking around at the empty silent living room

"At work" I said

"He weft me?" She said as she looked up at me with her wide eyes

"No he will come back" I said glancing at her quickly looking away from those voodoo magic eyes

I see they had dressed her in a dress today

30 minutes later

I'm still sitting with Estella next to me while I play my phone when I feel something crawl onto my lap

Confused I glanced down seeing Estella snuggling up to me

She's cold

I sigh grabbing a blanket pulling it over us as I lean over careful not to hurt her as I grab the pacifier and put it in her mouth and she falls asleep

It takes me all my strength to not bring her closer

Let her in

I can't

You can

I can though I can't go through that pain again

She isn't going anywhere

I ignore my subconscious and keep playing my phone as I feel her fragile figure fall deeper into my lap signalling she's asleep

I CANT get close to her again

But I love her....


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