Chapter 1

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TW: Non-consensual kissing

You know how they say still waters run deep ? König was like that. Calm and collected on the outside, not a ripple disturbing the surface.

Quiet. Discreet. Professional .

But sometimes, still waters are not only running deep. Sometimes, they are infested with abominations that should never see the light of day. Twisted thoughts, hidden behind the fabric of a sniper hood.

It wasn't his fault that you were so tempting . Always smiling when he looked at you, your hands always brushing over his arm when you had the chance.

So when he saw you talking to one of the other soldiers, your hand touching his arm, he could have killed that guy right there in the mess hall. In his wicked mind, there was no need for you to talk to anyone else. You were his from the second he saw you, pure and innocent , his body the only one that should be touched by those sacred hands of yours.

But König wasn't the type of man to make a pathetic scene, no. He would let his anger cumulate inside of him, kept it boiling under the surface until it spilled over, drowning you in the poisonous thing he called love. It was the only logical consequence that he had to keep an eye on you, that he had to stand in front of your door at night, making sure that there was no one with you in there.

You wouldn't understand, you were always so naive, but König knew what was best for you, knew that he had to keep you safe .

"Please, I'd do anything for you, mein Engel." König mumbled into his mask as you walked past him in the gym, your scent creeping through beneath the fabric of his mask, and he prayed that it would stay there forever.

"Did you say something?" You asked him, bubbly as usual. He was sure that you would look even more beautiful with tears streaming down your face; already adding it to the list of things he wanted to do to you if you would give him the fucking chance .

"Nothing of importance, meine Kleine . Just preparing for the meeting tomorrow morning," he said calmly, looking at you with those piercing eyes.

"Your work ethos is something else, Colonel. Do you ever relax?" you chuckled as you hopped on the treadmill, looking at the show that was playing on your phone while you slowly started to jog.

Oh, how badly König wanted to relax . But this would involve pounding into you until you were crying and begging for mercy, and he wasn't sure if you were quite ready for that yet.

"Du bist ein schlechter Einfluss."

You didn't understand what he said, but the sound of his raspy voice was enough to make your stomach flutter. Stop being ridiculous, he's your superior, he has better things to do than fooling around with you ; you thought to yourself, focus back on your workout. You only heard the sound of his heavy boots and the door closing as he left the gym.

Sometimes he asked himself if your innocence was only an act, if you were deliberately teasing him, if you wanted him to break you. Not that it mattered, he would do it either way.

König didn't expect that fate would bring you to him so soon. It was already dark outside when he left his office that day, walking back to his room when you were served to him on a silver platter. Tears running down your face, messing with your view, making you run face-first into someone. König had a hard time hiding the predatory tone in his voice when he spoke.

"Hey, hey... What's wrong, mein kleiner Engel?"

You were so sad, so vulnerable, so perfect for him . He always wanted to see you crying, but not like that, he was supposed to be the reason for the tears in your eyes.

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