Chapter 1: The Twins are born

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On the day of Stump Day, 877, Queen of Mewni, Moon Butterfly gave birth to twins. One of them was a girl and one of them was a boy. Everyone was really happy to hear about Moon's new children. "Congrats, my dear!" Said Moon's husband, River Johansen . "Thank you, River.." Replied Moon. 

When the Queen and the King came back with there children, everyone were happy and proud of the twins. 

After Stump Day was over, Moon put the twins to bed. While Moon and River were in bed, they were both talking about what the twins names should be. "Any ideas, River?" Said Moon. River got quiet for a bit and said something. "How about May and Day? There great names!" Moon didn't like that idea. "No no. I think it would be best if I named them." Said Moon. After thinking, Moon had an idea. "How about Star Butterfly and Comet Dragonfly?" Said Moon. River loved this idea. "Those names are perfect, honey!" River said happily. After that. they went both sleep.

The next day, Moon woke up to see that the twins were gone. Moon started to panic and told River, but River wasn't in his bed. Moon stopped panicking and leaves her bedroom. After trying to find the twins and her husband, she thought that maybe River brought the twins outside in the garden. So, Moon got ready for the day while River and the twins were gone. When Moon was one her throne, one of the knights were worried about River and the twins. So when she asked where are they, Moon said that there outside in the garden. The knight never really thought about it afterwards. Moon then saw River with his kids. "Where were you, River?" Moon asked. River said that one of his uncles was talking to him. Moon was so worried about River and the kids, but she wasn't worried about that anymore.

After that, Moon played with Star and Comet while River was watching them. River was really proud of Moon about the twins. Then, River had an idea. "Hey, honey? How about you can tell Star to say 'Mommy'?" Said River. Moon was so confused. "River, she is still a baby. We need to wait until Star is a bit younger. And so does Comet." Said Moon. River was a bit disappointed, but listened to his wife.

While they were having dinner, River still talked to Moon about the babies first words. Moon stopped talking to River for the rest of the night.

While the twins were sleeping, Star and Comet's cheekmarks were glowing really bright. Moon woke up of the brightness. Moon didn't understand why Star and Comet's cheekmarks were glowing. She thought that maybe there dipping down. But that's impossible for a baby from the Butterfly Family dips down. But then, the glowing stopped. Moon didn't think much of it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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If Star Butterfly and Comet Dragonfly were twins pt 1Where stories live. Discover now