Chapter 25

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The spy that Yegor had in New York had gone to inform his old boss about the return of their prisoner to his original home. After seeing that the plane had belonged to Xanatos that time ago.


It was a big time for Brooklyn and Kita since Brooklyn proposed to the girl of his dreams. He decided that he, his brothers, and their girls should go out for a nighttime glide. Siveth especially wanted to go out to explore, and Kaori was willing to bring her with them.

The group all left the castle after breakfast, Goliath telling them to be careful.

Brooklyn took the lead since he was the second in command, his future mate gliding beside him. The couple looked back too to see Kaori and Lex gliding side by side, Kaori carrying the gar beast pup in her arms. Despite them not bringing Bronx they knew it would be too much to carry them both.

It was a beautiful night again, Siveth looking excited about seeing all of the big city at last, whining sometimes. Every now and then, they stopped to help whoever needed it, along with getting food from food stands.

But on another building close by, were some of Yegor's men about to set up a trap for their lost merchandise: Brooklyn. Yegor had returned to the US some weeks ago, plotting for revenge on that wretched devil. He told them to set fire to an old metal barrel on the roof to distract him.

"This had been great, Sister!" cheered Kaori after they had had another meal, enjoying this big city quite a lot. Kita smiled at her younger sibling, Brooklyn suddenly going in for a small kiss on her beak, making her giggle. It was the second best night since their proposal to each other.

Lexington, having been staring nonstop at Kaori the whole time was suddenly disturbed by a strange noise and a smell of smoke. His sharp eyes looked around to see flames on a building nearby, arousing his protective instincts. "Uh, Brook, look there," He pointed. The red gargoyle's eyes turned sharply, spotting the burning flames.

Kita gasped in horror at the sight. "We have to help stop the fire!" she said, starting to glide towards the flames, Lex and Kaori in tow. Brooklyn's eyes rounded a little from what was happening, not trusting what was going on thanks to his Second in Command instincts. He tried to grab Kita's arm. "Kita, wait, something's not right!" He yelled out, but too late as his group kept gliding down to the building, Siveth howling.

Groaning, rolling his eyes, Brooklyn quickly glided after them, to ensure they didn't get hurt. Upon landing on the rooftop, the group looked around for the fire until they found it; which was nothing more than a burning metal bin.

"Anybody else get that weird feeling that someone tricked us?" Lex asked nervously, looking about.

Brooklyn glared at him. "You think?" Right as he said that some smoke bombs came out of nowhere at them. Brooklyn and the others shouted out, green smoke shooting out from the bombs. Brooklyn felt himself beginning to cough, turning to Lex. "G-Go, get help, tell them..."

Lexington struggled to resist the gas, wanting to stay but knew he couldn't, going to glide away from there, tears in his eyes when seeing them collapsing, hoping he could rescue his new girl and the others with the clan.

Brooklyn sunk to his knees, seeing the other two females doing the same, Siveth already unconscious from the gas. He looked up weakly to see men in breathing masks coming close to them. "Have a good snooze, Devil. An old friend wants to see you..." mocked one, shooting a net. That was the last thing Brooklyn saw before he blacked out from there, the gas really getting to him, the others collapsing beside his fallen form.


Lex had glided back as fast as he could, his eyes rounded with fear at the idea of them having been ambushed. But they weren't Quarrymen this time, they were someone different. His wings were nearly worn out by the time he got back, seeing Goliath, Hudson, Angela, and Broadway having come back from their patrols.

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