Chapter 10: Forever Fall

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Pyrrha stares out the window. Disappointment and sadness clear on her face as Nora jumps on the bed. The noise of the springs moving audible and Ren cleans his weapons.
"How come Jaune gets home so late?" Nora asks, still jumping on the bed.
"He's become rather scarce since he started fraternizing with Cardin." Ren responds, looking to see if he's cleaned his weapon properly.
"That's weird." Nora says, a frown on her face as she jumps.
Doesn't he know we have a field trip tomorrow? We need our rest!" Nora says as she flops down onto the bed in slaying position, her arms and legs spread like a star.
"I'm sure our leader knows exactly what he's doing." Pyrrha says, her voice filled with frustration. She was frustrated. Cardin had somehow blackmailed Jaune and he was refusing to ask for help or even talk about it. Whenever she or someone else tried to interfere when Cardin was bullying or even beating him he told them things like 'everything is fine' or 'we're just messing around!' She was mad and frustrated that, Jaune, a person she had grown an affection for had been being pushed around and wasn't doing anything about it.
"Hmm... I guess so..." Nora says with a frown as she sits on her bed.
Jaune stands out the door, having heard everything.
"Hey Jaune!" Ruby says enthusiastically, in her pajamas as opposed to Jaune who's still in his hoodie and armor. Jaune quickly turns around to face Ruby.
"Long time no see. Did you lock yourself out again?" Ruby asks, remembering the past 2 times Jaune locked himself out after forgetting his key.
"Oh uh, nope! Got it!" Jaune says pulling out his key as he holds his scroll near his head.
"So, where have you been lately?" Ruby asks as she looks at Jaune.
"I uh... I messed up. I did something I shouldn't have and now Cardin has me on a leash and I can't talk to Pyrrha about it... I'm starting to think going to this school was a bad idea." Jaune says as he slumps against the door.
"I'm a failure" he says as he looks down. Disappointed in himself.
"Nope." Ruby responds simply.
"No?" Jaune asks, rightfully confused.
"Nope. You're a leader now Jaune. You're not allowed to be a failure." Ruby says.
"But, what if I'm a failure at being a leader?" Jaune asks
"Nope." Ruby responds again.
"Heh... you know you're not the easiest person to talk to about this kinda stuff?" Jaune says as Ruby sits next to him.
"Nope!" Ruby yells into his ears. "Jaune maybe you were a failure when you were a kid. You might've even been a failure the first day. But you can't be one now. you know why?" Ruby responds.
"Uhh because-" Jaune us cut off.
"Because it's not just about you anymore. You've got a team now Jaune. And if we fail we'll be bringing them down with us. We have to put our teammates first and ourselves second." Ruby says, standing up. incorrect on the part.
"Your team deserves a great leader Jaune. And I think that can be you. Have a good night Jaune." Ruby says before walking into her dorm. Jaune stands up before hearing footsteps behind him. HE turns and sees Cinder standing there.
"Overheard your uh... conversation. Sorry for listening in but I wanted to give my own advice if you've will to hear. Cinder says as she offers Jaune a cup of Coffee.
"Oh uh... sure." Jaune responds as he takes the coffee, almost spilling it on himself.
"What Ruby says was kinda true. You should always try to be your best for not just your team but yourself too. And if you can't then that's okay. But don't do what Ruby said. Never put yourself second. You're just as valuable as your team. And Jaune, we're willing to help. We and your team. And if you need someone to talk to, I'm there okay?" Cinder explains as she smiles at Jaune.
"Uh... thanks Cinder. I'll keep that in mind." Jaune responds as Cinder pats him on the back and walks past him. He drinks his Coffee then sets the cup down on top a trashcan before he gets a notification on his scroll. He open it and sees it's a voice message from Cardin.
"Hey it's your buddy Cardin. I know you're probably busy with that dust project I gave you. Buuuut I'm gonna need you to go out and get me a bag or rapier wasps. And make sure they've got some real big stingers. It's important so don't screw this up." The VM from Cardin ends and Jaune closes his scroll. Annoyance on his face.

The various teams walk trough the red forest. Each tree having crimson red trees. Seeming to be in a never ending state of fall. The forever fall was quite the anomaly. It didn't seem to go trough any season except for fall. It was quite the attraction for tourists, many had it on a bucket list of sights they'd like to see. It was beautiful and an incredibly unique experience.
They walked trough the forever fall, professor Goodwitch leading the way. Ruby looking around in amazement, Cinder grabbing leaves as they fall, Velvet snapping photos as Yatsuhashi enjoyed the quiet, beautiful and peaceful forest.
"Yes students the forever fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight see. Professor peaches asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to insure non of you die while doing so." Goodwitch says before stopping. The line of students behind her stopping as well. Jaune stopping narrowly behind Cardin as he hold a large, heavy white case with jars stacked on top.
"Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm. So be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at four o'clock. Have fun" Goodwitch says. The students then start splitting up. Cardin grabs Jaune by the back of the hoodie.
"Come on buddy! Let's go!" He says as he looks at Pyrrha who looks back at him, disappointedly. Jaune looks down as he's dragged away.
Jaune proceeds to fill up 9 jars with the red sap as Cardin and his team sit around lazily. After finishing Jaune walks over to them and sets them on the ground before falling down face first, feeling nauseous as his nose runs and eyes water.
"Great work Johnny boy. That wasn't to hard was it?" Cardin asks as he stands up.
"I think I'm allergic to this stuff." Jaune says as he lays there.
"Great! Now, I bet you're wondering 'Why did Cardin ask me to collect 9 jars or this stuff where there's only five of us??'" Cardin asks as he looks down at Jaune with a shit-eating grin.
"That is one of the many questions I have asked myself today, yes." Jaune responds as he slowly picks himself up.
"Well, come with me and you'll find out." Cardin says as Jaune is forced to follow. They stand atop a hill as they look down at everyone.
Nora prancing around with her empty jar. Coco being careful not to get any of the red sap onto her clothes. Weiss leaning against a tress. Fox tasting some of the sap. Yatsu holding Velvet on his shoulders as she snaps more photos. Cinder cleaning her guns. Blake reading, and Pyrrha finally filling her jar. She looks at her full jar and smiles. Ren fills one jar and hands it to Nora, she hands him the empty jar then rapidly consumes the delicious red sap. Ren turns to her as she smiles, red sap on her face as he face palms.
"Cardin, what's going on?" Jaune asks nervously.
"Payback." Cardin responds.
Jaune's mind races with thoughts of who. He then realizes who Cardin is looking at, it's Pyrrha. But why her? Why not Cinder or Yatsu? They did more to him than Pyrrha did.
"Pyrrha?" Jaune asks nervously.
"Not just her. Along with Ms. Ozpin's daughter over there. And the brute and filthy Rabbit." Cardin says as he points to Cinder and Yatsu.
"But the red haired know it all is closer and easier to hit." He says as he reaches behind him. He pulls out a box with a large 'W' written in the front of it in marker. The buzzing noise indicating it's filled with Wasps.
"Alrighty boys, last night our dear pal managed to nab us a whole box of rapier wasps. And now... we're putting him to work." One of Cardin's team mates grab Jaune's shoulder and smiles. Jaune let's out nervous laugh.
"According to one of the essays he wrote me last week these litter bastards love sweet stuff. I think it's time we teach them a lesson." Cardin says as they all stand up.
"And you're doing it." Cardin says to Jaune as he shoves one of the jars into Jaune's hands.
"What?!" Jaune responds
"You hit her with the sap or I have a little chat with Goodwitch and you'll be out of here like you should be." Cardin says as he stands over Jaune.
Jaune stands and looks down at the jar in his hands. He turns and aims. Looking at Pyrrha, his hands shaking.
"Oh fuck this." He said as he quickly turns and throws the jar at Cardin. Hitting him in the chest-plate of his armor, smearing sap onto it.
Cardin looks up at Jaune.
"Oh Ho Ho.... You've done it now." He says as Cardin's team grabs him and pulls him forwards. They proceed to beat on him, he tries to fight back but is mercilessly beaten.
"Are you stupid Jaune?" Cardin asks as he punches Jaune. He then picks him up by the collar of his hoodie.
"I'll make sure they send you back in a body bag, you little shit." He says as Jaune is held up.
"I don't care... what you do to me. But you aren't harming my team or my friends." Jaune says as he looks at Cardin. He then raises his hand and flips him off.
"You think talk like that makes you tough? You think you're some big strong man huh?" Cardin asks, Jaune slowly smiles. Cardin looks at him, confused. Then enraged as he punched him. Suddenly Jaune's aura activates. Cardin drops Jaune as he falls to the floor, his injuries healing as Cardin hold his own hand, it's like he's punched metal. One of Cardin's teammates then put their foot on Jaune's head.
"Oh now it's on." Cardin says as him and his team surround Jaune. Until they hear a loud roar. They turn and see a Ursa with a porcupine like back standing there. It stands on its hind legs and sniffs the air. It sniffs the sap on Cardin's chest and zeros in on him. His team book it as he stand there. Jaune stands up and considers it. He considers running too. As Cardin is swiped away by the Ursa he looks at him. Cardin pulls out his weapon and tries to swing but the massive Ursa quickly bare it away.
He looks at the treelike then at Cardin. He sighs.
"It's the right thing to do. But it sucks that if is." He thinks to himself as charges in and blocks a swipe with his shield coming at Cardin.
Pyrrha, Ruby, Mercury, Velvet, and Cinder stand and watch. They get ready to attack the Ursa until Pyrrha stops them.
"Wait" she says as Jaune pushes to Ursa paw off his shield and slashed at the beast. The beast quickly recovers and then swipes at him again. Jaune ducks and rolls out of the way, The Ursa swipe s again and Jaune jumps back. The Ursa swipes and hits Jaune mid-air. He's sent down but gets back up. He charges and jumps, getting swiped mid-air again. Landing less gracefully this time. He jumps back up and checks his watch, his Aura levels are low. The he and the Ursa charge each other. The Ursa jumps and Jaune raises his shield. The ursa's paw would hit him. Until Pyrrha outstretched her arm and adjusts the shield's position using her semblance. The ursa's paw strikes the Shield and Jaune cuts the beasts head off with one quick slash. The beasts fading into dust as he stands there, out of breath.
Mercury and Ruby look at her. Before Ruby can say anything Mercury looks at her.
"That was so cool and so terrifying at the same time!" Mercury says as he looks at her.
"H-how did you do that Pyrrha?" Ruby asks as she looks at her.
"Well, you have your Speed, Velvet has her copying, Cinder can heat objects. My semblance is polarity." Pyrrha explains.
"So... you have control over magnetism..." Cinder says, then she and Mercury both realize the kinda powerful and horrifying implications of this
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait... HOW much control over magnetism? Could you... like... mess with the iron in our blood?!" Mercury asks as he looks at her.
"I don't know. I've never, nor will I ever try that." Pyrrha responds. Before turning around and starting to walk away.
"Wait! We gotta tell them what happened!" Ruby says as she turns to Pyrrha.
"We could... or perhaps we could just keep it out little secret." Pyrrha says as everyone stands there and considers it as she walks away.
"I mean... it'd be kinda a dick move to tell him wouldn't it?" Cinder asks, specifically aiming the question towards Mercury.
"I mean... yeah." Mercury responds, still a little scared of Pyrrha.
Jaune walks up to Cardin and offers him a hand and helps him up.
"Holy Christ, Jaune!" He says impressed with Jaune.
"Don't ever mess with me, my team, or my friends ever again." Jaune says, they both look at each other in uncomfortable silence. "Got it?" Jaune asks. Cardin nods as Jaune walks away.
Back in beacon Jaune stands atop the roof. Looking at the shattered moon in the sky.
"No Cardin tonight?" Pyrrha asks as she walks up behind him. "I thought you two were best buds." She says, looking into Jaune's eye as he turns to face her.
"Pyrrha, I'm sorry. I was a jerk. You were only trying to be nice and I had all this stupid macho stuff in my head and-" Jaune is cut off when Pyrrha speaks.
"Jaune. It's okay. Your team really misses their leader you know?" She says as they both smile at each other she turns around and starts walking to the stairway.
"You should come down. Ren made pancakes." She says the last part in a sing-song voice. "No syrup though, you can thank Nora for that." She says as Jaune stands there.
"Wait!" Jaune says as Pyrrga turns, she has an eyebrow raised as he peaks.
"I know I don't deserve it after all that happened, but would you... still... be willing to help me? To help me become a better fighter?" He asks as he looks at Pyrrha. Pyrrha turns and smiles. She's been waiting for this day, this moment. She then walks up to him and pushes him, he falls onto the roof floor.
"Hey!" He yells.
"Your stance is all wrong. You need to be wider and lower to the ground." She says, critiquing his form. She offers him a hand and helps him up.
"Let's try that again." She says as she starts their first training session.

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