Cнαpтer 15: Tнe Sтrαɴɢle oғ '93

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        You didn't know exactly what had happened last night. It was all a big blur, something unbelievable. You never thought a day would come that you had to -- no, forced -- to kill someone. You unraveled a dark secret last night, a very dreadful secret. Not only did these animatronics slaughter humans with their child spirits controlling them, they also took pleasure in murdering security guards. Your gears whirred, trying to comprehend the thoughts that circulated your wires. You had just waken up from the horrible 'nightmare'.

'Why am I involved in this? I don't want to be here.' You whined and looked down upon your animatronic body. Blood caked most of the suit as if your animatronic appearance was originally a blood red. Your legs, your torso, your (paws/wings/etc), even your (snout/beak/etc) is coated with blood. You gave a quick glance at the trio animatronics and sighed. Bonnie and the rest are blanketed with blood but not as much as you. 'How was I so blind? I've been trying to chase a monster this whole time but I never realized that the monster was me.' You just stared blankly, not trying to focus your vision. 'I wish this was only a nightmare, but animatronics don't dream.' You told yourself before hearing the pizzeria's door open to reveal Jay and Derek, both replenished and neutral.

Jay's blind pupils landed upon your (animal) animatronic, his poker face shifting into a frown with a mixture of surprise. "Oh dear God! (Y/N)?!" You nearly flinched when he yelled your name in shock. It made you feel terrible.

"Why are you surprised, shouldn't you be used to it?" Derek coughed and gagged at the scent of blood before a scowl was well-written upon his face. "Stop standing around and clean them!" He ordered before heading off into the Kitchen, not without sending you a cold glare. Jay sighed and went to the Supply Closet and back to the Dining Area, heading towards you first. He filled the bucket with cleaning liquid and drenched his towel before dabbing it onto your body. Then, Jay covered you with rags which soaked so much blood in half a second, making you feel guilty.

"What had gotten into you, (Y/N)? There wasn't any murders happening ever since you came back repaired but I guess I was wrong, it's the same way I felt with Bonnie." You stiffened yet Jay didn't express any reactions towards that.

'I'm not a monster. I'm not a monster. I'm not a monster. I'm not a monster. I am a monster.' There was no point in hiding it, yet that's what the company of Freddy Fazbear's is doing. Getting rid of the evidence so that the animatronics would still seem kid-friendly and fun, but in reality it's quite the opposite.

Suddenly, Mr.Ryouta trudged in with a happy smile but stopped in his tracks and frowned at the bloody animatronics. "Oh, Mike has died?" He questioned but it was more like a question to himself.

"Yeah, seems like it since I smell a stench in the Backstage when I passed by." Jay responded as he moved on to Chica, already done cleaning you and Bonnie.

"Oh my, and he was doing so well," The boss commented. "Derek Miller! Come help Jay clean up while I go bleach the carpets along with the Office!" He finished ordering as Derek grouchily stepped into the Dining Area. The boss quickly grabbed a mop and three gallons of bleach before heading towards the Office.

This shocked you on how they already knew what to do. 'Maybe the animatronics really are killing machines and the spirits took it as a sick game, even mines.' After the three had finished cleaning, they set up the party hats and the decorations making the pizzeria look brand new for its re-opening once more, all in just two impressive hours.

Mr.Ryouta huffed and gazed proudly at the place and the animatronics before enclosing the curtains, saying, "Scott's gonna be proud of me! After re-opening of an unfortunate incident! This day will be a special day! We'll offer discounts on prices and oh God...!" He kept ranting on as he headed to his own office to think of something good. Jay went and switched the sign from CLOSED to OPEN and not even a few seconds passed and massive crowds were filling in along with other employees to serve. To you, this felt like your first day as an animatronic.

You offered Bonnie a smile (whether you are part of the Show Stage or not). 'I'll make this day worthy and remarkable!' Threats long forgotten, the past never brought up or mentioned. You would only let yourself be joyful with the kids.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls!" Mr. Ryouta called out in his mic, making the lousy kids and adults grow quiet in a matter of seconds. "Before we start the show, I just want to point out about the discounts on prices and those free plushies of your choice. I would like to thank you for coming back after a week of being shut down and welcome you to our main attractions! Say hello to Bonnie the Bunny, Chica the Chicken, (Y/N) the (animal), and Freddy Fazbear!" The curtains opened up to reveal the animatronics, Bonnie was strumming his guitar while Chica waited patiently for Freddy.

"Be careful, (Y/N)." Bonnie warned softly and you smiled at his concern, knowing that he was warning you about your broken wires in your chest.

"Hey kids! Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria! We hope you enjoy your visit!" Freddy greeted in his cartoonish voice making the crowd go wild.

"Hello boys and girls, I'm Bonnie the Bunny! I'll be glad to rock out with you all!" Your boyfriend joined in. It was a bit weird calling him boyfriend but you didn't mind.

"Hi kids! I'm Chica the Chicken, let's eat!" Your friend chirped and you realized that they were waiting for you to introduce yourself despite (being new/on another stage/etc). You gave them a small nod of happiness.

"I'm (Y/N) the (animal)! (Insert motto)!" The animatronics started to sing and play their instruments while you did your own thing. You still couldn't believe it, this place was jam-packed! Several kids gathered around you and looked up to you with glee and curiosity.

"(Y/N), (Y/N)! You're amazing!" Their eyes glistened as they complimented you and cheered, making you feel flattered. Derek had walked upon the (Show Stage/stage/etc) and you never realized it until you felt a presence beside you. "What's he doing there?" The kids asked in confusion and you saw Derek smirk which made you nervous. Just what was he doing here?

"This is Derek, he's my assistant!" You were beyond pissed at the fact that Derek interrupted your moment. You really wanted to punch him in the face as revenge for what he had done to you but it had to wait.

"She's right, we knew each other for a long time!" He pretended to act cheery for the kids. "Could I have a word with you, (Y/N)?" He asked politely, turning to you.

"Alright kids, scatter!" The kids pouted and decided to run off to other activities. You decided to stop (playing instruments/helping/etc) and looked at him with a stern look, it's not like anybody noticed that you stopped. "Why are you really here?" Venom intoxicated your tone and you crossed your arms.

Derek placed his hands over his chest in a hurt manner. "Why don't you have a minute to talk with your murderer?"

Your eyes shrunk at what he just said, "What?"

"You see, I'm his son. The infamous murderer behind the cases of the missing children. I was the one who lured you and the other two into the Backstage back at Fredbear's. He let me murder you completely when stuffing you inside a suit and did I have to say did it feel great! Your skin tearing apart and your bones cracking! Your screams were music to my ears!" You started to tremble.

"Stop!" You raised your (paws/wings/etc) to push Derek away but your programs glitched and your gripped his neck tightly, enclosing his air supply. You gasped and started to struggle which only tightened it even more. Derek start to choke violently, his pupils going to the back of skull to reveal blank eyes with red veins growing at the bottom. Saliva with a mix of blood poured down his mouth as you tried to stop the glitch, feeling shocks in your chest. You heard screaming around you and crying as there started to be a frenzy to crowds running in utter terror. Some people stayed to record with their phones and even the animatronics stopped and stared in shock, feeling Bonnie's gaze burning your soul.

"Get out! Get out!" You heard some of the employees order the customers and you finally let go, seeing that Derek's neck was twisted in a way so inhumane. His dead body fell to the floor since his windpipe was destroyed and you felt your servos stop. Was this worth it? Was this the revenge you anticipated? You really were a monster. The screams deaf to your ears but only one saying stood out;

"Guys! It's the Strangle of '93!"

I'm Not the One [Bonnie X Animatronic!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now