A beautiful autumn morning

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It was a chill autumn day in parappa town, the beautiful brown leaves falling down from the trees and a slight cool breeze picking up in the air. PaRappa and his friends were putting posters everywhere about an extremely special event for this Halloween.

Meanwhile, Crystal and Rosie, Paula Fox's younger cousins, were taking a walk on their neighborhood street, Avenue M. They were both dressed up perfectly for Autumn. Crystal had a dark blue sweater that reached down to her chest, along with a pale ice blue sweater with an initial "C" planted in the middle. Rosie, on the other paw, had pretty much the same outfit, except it was different shades of gorgeous pink like her fur, and an initial "R" on her sweater.

Suddenly, Rosie saw a poster resting against a tall tree, her eyes dilating in concern.

"Look, Crystal!! Let's go see what that poster says!!" she smiled, pointing at the poster. Crystal nodded happily, and they immediately rushed up to it. Then, they read it. It said in all caps:


"Oooooh!" Crystal and Rosie both said at once, their eyes highlighting with excitement. Little did they know, the festival was going to happen today, at 11:00 AM. It was currently 8:00 AM, and the girls knew they had to go. Especially considering their blonde dog crush Matt was going to be there. But not only that, PaRappa, PJ, Katy, Sunny, and Paula would be there too. In a split second, their older cousin Paula rushed down their street and scared them with the biggest hug of their fox lives.

"Girls!!! Have ya read the poster for the festival yet???!!!" Paula said excitedly, wagging her fluffy light orange tail.

"Hehe, we sure did, big cousin!! We're sooo excited!!" Rosie exclaimed hyperly, jumping up and down for joy.


"That's fantastic, you two!! Anyways, feel free to come, because I bet ya Matt would love that!!" Paula replied, smirking a little.

The two foxes blushed. "Hehe, Paula!!!" they both complained.

Meanwhile, PaRappa, Matt, and PJ were setting up the festival. PaRappa was filling up the bouncy houses with air, while PJ made the Halloween themed cookies and other yummy snacks and eating some of the ingredients. As for Matt, he was setting up the fun games families and friends in Parappa Town could play, while Katy and Sunny were drawing cute characters for the games.

"I wonder where Paula is!!" Sunny said, looking at her best friend Katy.

"Oh, she's inviting her little cousins to the festival, but she'll be right back."

Suddenly, the yellow flower and the ocean blue feline heard quick footsteps coming towards them. It was Paula, Crystal, and Rosie. Katy saw them first, and gave them a friendly wave. Rosie then saw Sunny, and ran up to her and gave the plant a big hug. Crystal then gave Katy a hug as well.

"Hiiii Sunny!!!!" Rosie said, wrapping her arms around Sunny's neck and rapidly wagging her baby pink tail back and forth.

"Hehe, I'm so glad you came, Rosie!!"

Matt then heard Crystal and Rosie's voices and suddenly ran to Sunny and Katy. He instantly froze, completely still as a statue, and blushed a lot when he saw how cute the foxes looked in their Autumn outfits.

"G-girls...you look so cute!!!" Matt said, blushing and sweating nervously.

"Aww, thank you Matt!" Crystal replied shyly, as she also blushed a bit.

"Heh, do ya wanna help us with our artwork for the festival, Paula?" Katy asked, looking up at the pink haired vixen. "I think Crystal and Rosie would also make a great help!!"

"Aw, sure!! We'll help ya girls!!" Rosie said, raising her hands up in the air cheerfully.

"Exactly!! Rosie, how about I help Katy and Paula, while you can help Sunny?"

"Oh sure!" At this point, Crystal and Rosie were extremely excited, and couldn't wait for the spooky festival to begin. Matt got a little disappointed, though, considering he really wanted to help the girls too.

Meanwhile, Gaster the criminal bunny was in a very bad mood. He hated the fact PaRappa and his gang were having such a good time, and wanted to come up with a solution to ruin their festival.

"Hmmm....I wonder if I can ruin that stupid Halloween festival and make everyone miserable, Gaster!!!" he said to himself, laughing evily after that. That was not good. At all.

To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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The PaRappa Town Halloween Festival (ft. Crystal and Rosie)Where stories live. Discover now