Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

*Kia Pov*

*Bang* Echoed through the classroom as Leon entered, kicking the door off the hinges with him.

"Ah, Mr Leon. Glad you could join us." Mr Cherry's voice rang through the room, a sarcastic undertone as usual.

"Yes, because I want to learn about where we fucked up in history so bad." Leon's voice carried a sarcastic tone back to Mr Cherry, as he sauntered back to his seat

Leon made half the class laugh, with his snarky remark back to Mr Cherry. The other half, my half, rolled our eyes. Leon was your stereotypical "Bad boy", who hooked up with random college girls, and made girls feel like objects. He flirted with anybody he could, never showed up to class, yet, he still had joint first grades with me.

Leon made my skin crawl. He was so extroverted, the type you only see in films. Always chatting to anybody and everybody. Never wearing a proper smile, more a smirk. Walking and talking like he owned the school, accepting any praise he got from a cute girl in the corridor. His body was more built than mine, defined muscles travelling all up his body, making girls swoon, even a couple of guys tried confessing. Leon had everybody over him, and it filled me with so much anger. He did not care for lessons, yet he got top grades. I hated him, deeply.

*Leons pov*

I threw the door open, 10 minutes late.

"Ah, Mr Leon. Glad you could join us." Mr Cherry's voice was sarcastic, it pissed me off.

Rolling my eyes, I responded just as sarcastically "Yes, because I want to learn about where we fucked up in history so bad."

At a leisurely pace I walked to my seat, knowing everybody watched. Sitting there being bored, I felt eyes on me. This was different though, it wasn't the nice loving eyes I usually got, it was haunting eyes that sent shivers down my spine. I looked left, nobody there. I looked right, and our eyes locked. Kia. I hated him, more than Mr Cherry.

Kia was a skinny boy, for somebody who worked out. He didn't have many friends, some called him an "introvert", whatever that was. Kia was a "golden boy" who had perfect grades, joint top in the class with me. Nobody took notice of him, and he never seemed to have a girlfriend. Always walking the corridors with his head down, never looking up at anybody. Kia's voice was quiet, you'd only hear him if you stood right next to him. His whole personality pissed me off, and he was such a stereotypical "golden boy" it actually seemed fake.

Rolling my eyes with disgust, I looked away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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