Chapter 2

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Jackson stared at the television in front of him as he sagged on his seat on the couch. He's dressed on his own pajamas because he doesn't really have the energy to change besides he's got the day off anyway. He wonders how Mina is doing. She used to come to his place when he's got the day free and they would cuddle until evening, watch movies she likes and just talk about random personal stuffs that either makes them laugh or cry. It's those kinds of moment why he enjoyed his free time more.

But sadly, he'll just have to deal with his day alone.

That's until the doorbell rang and he didn't know why but Jackson bolted right out from where he was sitting, almost tripping on the table as he hurriedly walked towards the door, expecting Mina to be there in front of him and she would tell him that everything that have happened was just a joke then they'll be together again and enjoy their alone time just like the usual.

However, it wasn't Mina on the door and he couldn't hide the disappointment on his face.

"You're expecting to see her, weren't you?" The visitor hissed- eyes narrowing as he glared at Jackson who just sighed and opened the door wider.

"I was," Jackson shortly replied before walking back to the living room, leaving his visitor to close the door. He dumped his body on the couch, tiredness spreading from thinking too much about Mina. "Just put the food on the table, Bam. I'll call mom later." He mumbled against the cushion where he's resting his cheek, not really giving his younger brother any of his attention at all.

Bambam sighed. His eyes lingered on Jackson's form before doing what he was told. He placed the food their mother had cooked by the counter, knowing full well that Jackson would be moping around again, "Hyung, stop being such a girl, okay? She wasn't even worth it." Jackson didn't say anything but he turned and glared at Bambam instead.

Mina was the very definition of a wolf in sheep's clothing. Jackson may have been blinded by her exterior image but Bambam was sharp enough to see the difference. She's not what everyone thought her to be. She wasn't the cheerful, girlfriend material. Bambam knew that she was only dating Jackson to gain popularity ever since he had accidentally eavesdropped on the conversation she was having with her very own manager who happens to be their uncle. Although, he wanted to be honest with his brother, he just can't ruin the happy moment he's having because it's not every day he gets to see Jackson so genuinely pleased and contented with his life.

The least he could do is to watch her every move. His parents kept telling him that he was being paranoid and he even got teased because they thought Bambam was jealous because his 'hyung' is being taken away from him. No one believed him. So, he kept his suspicion to himself.

He stared at Jackson who was now glaring at nothing in particular. Bambam knew his brother doesn't like it when someone talks bad about his oh so precious Mina. Jackson would usually put up a fight but when it comes to Bambam, he'd just stay where he's standing and send him death-like stares (if looks could even kill). He let out a sigh before walking towards the middle of the living room, grabbing Jackson's phone and tapping on to some things while the owner of the device watches him.

"Your fans are worried about you," Bambam started as he read on the numerous tweets directed to Jackson. "They're asking how you've been doing and if it's true that you're going to postpone your world tour." He clicked on a certain tweet while a small smile graced his lips. He tossed the phone to Jackson who unceremoniously caught it before it fell on the cold tiled ground while making a reprimanding noise. "I'll see you later, hyung. I'll tell mom you're doing okay. Oh, and better check your twitter, got something for you." He winked before disappearing on the doorway.

Jackson heard the door shut and furrowed his eyebrows at his brother's words. Thinking that Bambam was just playing with him, he just shrugged and decided to read some manga instead so he can somehow forget how miserable he is right now. He turned his attention to his phone, his finger hovering over the assistive touch feature until his eyes drifted on a picture of someone.

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