08 : A glimpse of you

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Third person's POV

As everyone applause for the newly engaged couple, they both look at each other with a triumphant smile as they stood beside each other. They were relieved that everything went well that evening.

Little did they know that, This is the beginning of new chapter in their life's.
It's going to be full of ups and downs which they have to deal with, side by side.

Three days have passed since their engagement and everything is still the same between the two, still acting nonchalant and ignorant towards the growing feelings that one don't know he is developing and the other one ignoring it.

And our two peasants are lately immensely wrapped up in their works to care about anything else.

Now came the next day, where from the start, the two juveniles but quite mature when working were drowned in their world of their respective Professions.

Jungwon and Jia became very busy after their engagement, Jungwon started working on the new branch of his company and also for the fashion show which his company is organizing.

And on the other hand, Jia is making her clothes so good that there is no scope for any mistake in it, so that she can show her collection of clothes there so that the company, which is organizing this event, can stock her collection.

Take them in and sponsor them, by doing partnership with them. Like that program is happening on the last day of the week and they have only 2 days left.

So, the least the readers can do is wait patiently until these two come face to face with each other in the event.

As much as their work life is hectic and full of deadlines, this proves that both are doing very well in their respective careers which is on its peak and flourishing.

At JW Corporation
In conference room

The meeting room is in a gravely tensed atmosphere due to some inconvenience caused by a employee.

Every one is waiting for Jungwon to say something after the data presentation and development status of their new branch overseas and anticipating for the revelation of Managing director of that branch.

But what seem to be the problem is that, the presentation didn't satisfy the chief executive himself, his mood is going downhill.

He trying so hard no to burst onto his employees because he knows too that they have also been working their ass off from the past few months.

But that doesn't mean that, he have no right to get mad at them, isn't it their job, so they must do it rightly, right ?

No room for arguments and mistakes when the deadline is around the corner barely a day after.

On the top of that, when you have already given instructions on what to do and it's details, must be frustrating for the people present in the room right now.

Because it's not everyday, they get to see their boss, raging side, as he is always calm and composed. But today seem to be that one of that eventful day.

"Are you fucking Kidding with me, Mrs. Kwon ? You are Principal Investigator for fuck's sake, can't you do your job properly or it is getting too much for you, care to give me reasonable explanation ? Because I don't have in me to listen to your useless excuses anymore."  Jungwon said in a fuming tone surprising every person present in there.  They unintentionally hold their breath after hearing him curse like this.

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