Moving to new york shouldn't be bad, right?

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Wednesday, November, 1st [Moving To NYC]

Today at 1 PM.
Today was a very busy day for Rei's parents, they were moving boxes around and furniture and getting business emails I mean...? They work at a huge busy company so they will be working most days except the weekends.

Rei was helping her parents move the boxes in the moving truck and putting their luggage's in the car so they'll be able to arrive to the airport tonight as soon as they can since the truck is going over seas to NYC. Later today her parents decided to have their moving business partners help move their things to make it more easier for them to be quick and fast with the moving process.

After everyone helping with the boxes in the moving truck and everything the people loaded everything that they need on the truck making sure it was secure, and Rei's parents smiled at each other and helping rei get her enrolled into high school after they get settled in New York.

[Rei's Pov]
I was helping my parents move the heavy boxes on the truck and suddenly the living helpers came and help with the boxes and everything and I sat down in the chair and ate sushi while drinking a mocha latte, and watching everyone being busy and packing things putting them in the car and the moving truck. But I was really focusing on moving to NYC and going to high school was really questionable if I would make a lot of friends that are nice and not like any rude person on this earth.

I sat in the chair staring at the wall thinking and saying to myself. "It shouldn't be a problem moving to NYC and making new friends while first time being in high school...Right?"

Rei's First Day as a Highschool Student.Where stories live. Discover now