Chapter 2

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        :*beep :* beep
     My hand shot out to silence the annoying noise but I couldn't find the alarm clock. I finally find it and pounded on the top until it stopped beeping. My eyes cracked open and then snapped shut because of the harsh light streaming from my window.
     Groaning I lifted my head from my comfortable pillow which seemed to be calling me name. I promised my mom that I would be on time for my first day back at Clearwater high school, but this time as a Junior. I lazily I picked my self of the bed and made my way to the bathroom.
     Glancing at myself in the mirror I ran my hands threw my wavy black hair. Winking at myself I stripped and turned on the shower. After ten minutes I heard my phone ringing.
     I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I walked into my room to see who was calling.

     " Hello" I answered grinning to myself knowing who was in the other end.

     My best friend Dylan Parker greeted me. " What's up bro. You ready for a new year?"

     "Eh I'm ready for whatever" I replied shaking out my wet hair.

     "Remember we can't have any gang business at school this year. I promised momma that I wouldn't make her worry to much." My momma is everything to me so if she said that my gang business made her worry then I would elevate as much of her worries as possible.

     It was because of my momma that I got into gang life in the first place. Momma's early life wasn't so great. She grew up on the wrong side of the tracks and with a not so great family. At eighteen her family sold her to their local gang to pay for the debt they collected from borrowing money. In the middle of the night the gang sent men and dragged her away. They brought her to a underground casino where she was to work. This went on for a few months before she found out that she was pregnant with me because of one of men watching over her.
     That's when she knew that she had to get out. Momma wanted to give me the life she never had. One night during the rotation of her guards she managed to escape. She ran until her feet bleed and she passed out due to dehydration. A new couple found her and brought her to the Emergency room. After being discharged she hopped a bus and rode it to Clearwater. A few moths later momma had me.
     The first few years of my life were spent on the living on the streets. It was always just me and momma. Then momma got a job and was able to afford a small home on the rundown side of town. It wasn't anything special but we were happy.
     It wasn't until my freshman year of high school that the trouble started. The gang that took my momma came around looking for her. I knew that I would rather die then let her go back to that gang so I joined the Midnight Blood's. The gang would provide my momma and I protection in return for my membership. From there I crawled my way up to the top.
     I'm not proud of many things that I have done for my gang. I would never tell my momma some of the things I had to do in order to keep us safe. This life isn't one that I like to live. It's one that I and many people in my gang were forced too.
     Life as a gang leader was never dull and it had it's upsides. In fact just last night my gang, crashed a back to school party and let me tell you, it was amazing. Drunk people every were; girls with practically nothing on; my type of party. The guy hosting the party wasn't to happy with our arrival but let's just say things didn't go to well for him. What can I tell you, my temper is as short as a girls mini skirt. That's what makes me a great gang leader, people know that when I mean business I'm not the one you want to mess with.
    I pulled on some worn faded jeans, a fresh new black T-shirt, and some combat boots.

     " Yeah yeah I hear you. But this year is going to be a good one I can feel it!" Dylan replied. I could hear his excitement through the phone. Hanging up the phone I walked down stairs.

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