Chapter 02

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Nathan felt his father, Rohan's, icy glare boring into him like a sharp knife, so he cowered from where he sat on the living room couch; head bent, fingers entwined, and eyes cast downward, appearing small although he wasn't, almost fragile and breakable.

So many frightening scenarios raced through his head at that moment. His father and mother, Anika, had requested him in the living room an hour ago. He had been waiting for two, and when they showed up, his father had an unreadable expression on his face — mean and angry like he had done something to upset the man. Perhaps they found out about his dirty secrets? Perhaps they found out about Logan? These thoughts always rested on his mind since he and Logan got together five years ago.

When Nathan looked up through his eyelashes, his father's ominous face greeted him from the opposite couch. His father stared at him with a blank stare; so much darkness in those eyes, Nathan sucked in a deep breath and bit the insides of his gums until he tasted blood.

With great difficulty, he swallowed the lump in his throat, and then his fingers reached for a glass of water sitting at the coffee table in front of him. He hoped his father wasn't able to see his trembling fingers or the sweat seeping through his shirt. Surely if he saw it, he would probably taunt him; call him weak and pathetic. In a sense, he felt weak and pathetic.

"Did I do something wrong, Pa?" He asked after setting the glass back down. "Is it about the stores? — I checked everything last week. The goods came in time — everything is okay, I swear."

Rohan owned three convenience stores across Texas. Two in Georgetown and one in Jefferson. When the time comes, it would belong to Nathan. It was why he needed to listen to his father, and not anger the man. Rohan knew best, he taught Nathan everything he knew — beaten it out of him if he had to, too. He still would once in a while, most times. He often used a belt; leather, and would brand Nathan's skin for days, sometimes longer. It was shameful to be on the receiving end of a belt, considering he was already twenty-six. He felt deeply embarrassed, ashamed. It was why he kept it to himself; kept it a secret from Logan for all of these years. How could he tell his lover his father beat him?

"It's not about the stores, darling." His mother spoke first with a soft, pleasant smile that eased Nathan's hammering heart.

"Then... What is it, Ma?" He asked, hating how small his voice came out.

"Well," Ankia cleared her throat and forced a tight smile. "There's something we have to tell you," she said, her eyes darting from Nathan to her husband — back and forth they went as though she might've been afraid to say the words. "Your father and I... Your father decided it's best if you were to get married."

Married? To a woman? Nathan furrowed his eyebrows. "Ma —"

"We've set an arranged marriage with you and Ira," Anika was quick to say before Nathan could get any more words out; the same awkward smile plastered on her face, seemingly trying to warm the room. "Don't you know her? The sweet girl who sits behind you during Mandir sessions. She went to school with you too, only a year younger. You remember? Don't you, darling?"

No, he couldn't remember. He didn't know this Ira and he certainly didn't care for her. Why were they doing this? An arranged marriage? In this day and age? Suddenly the room turned very tense, very suffocating. Nathan felt as though he might throw up and his clothes seemed tighter somehow. What was happening? Why would they do something like this? He was a grown man! A voiceless man, but a grown man nonetheless. This was wrong. It made no sense.

"Ma," he said, his voice cracking. "What are you talking about?"

The frantic look on his face must've shown his confusion and his dislike of the situation because suddenly Rohan's jaw tightened and his eyes turned a tad bit darker, and then Nathan realized he should've kept his mouth shut. It was always better to keep his mouth shut, and his eyes lowered.

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