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An old man was sitting at a computer desk. His hair, white with age and stress, was tassled around his head. His computer screen was filled with commands regarding technical pieces of the home.

The home was Anderson's Home For Untamed Children(AHFUC, "Ah, F**ck" as most workers called it). Mr. Anderson, the man in front of the computer, was looking at some of the dorms. Lock the doors of this one. Get someone to turn out the lights here. Simple, but stressful.

A young woman-let's call her Loriena-ran into the room. "You called me, Mr. Anderson?"

"What, Loriena?" He muttered,not even turning his head. "I didn't call you."

"Yes you did." She said uncertainly. "You told me the power was out and to come help turn it on."

"The power is obviously on," He sighed in annoyance. "Someone probably was setting up a prank-"

The power shut off.

"Goddammit!" Mr. Anderson snapped. obviously you wouldn't say that in a child's orphanage, but this certainly wasn't a five-star place. "I'll go turn the bloody power on." He sighed into the darkness.

As he moved, he heard a muffled gasp, and then a screech. He huffed. "Lorina, stop overreacting."

The light flickered once again. He saw a body.

It was Loriena. Her hair was already matted with blood, her face marked into an unbearable screaming emotion. her lifeless eyes held terror. Her throat was slit clean, like a proffesional butcher had done it.

He stared in horror. Then he realized it. "Oh dear God, she got out."


The next day, officers swarmed the scene. A woman and man, both high up in AHFUC, had been killed. It is assumed that one killed the other then comitted suicide.

A young girl stood in the hallway as people moved past. She watched curiously, but silently. Her tattered teddy bear was help in one hand. She spoke quietly.

"I'm bored." Lily told the bear. "Let's go find some new friends."


Dark kid, right? That's basically my imagination in kiddie for. Not sure how to soften that to my liking :P So, any comments or suggestions? I'd be glad to hear 'em!

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