tickle fight

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Casey had been sitting quietly in his room, reading a Jupiter Jim comic book that Leo had lent him earlier that day.

He had gotten so wrapped up in the storyline that nothing had pulled his attention away from it for a good half an hour, except for the sudden shriek that echoed throughout the tunnels of the sewers.

Casey jolted upright, grabbing his hockey stick and venturing out into the lair to find the source of the shriek, which was now sounding more like… laughter?

He continued forwards warily, keeping his hockey stick out in front of him until the laughter got louder and louder.



Casey stepped foot into the main area of the lair that was dubbed ‘the hang-out spot’.

The scene that Casey witnessed before him wasn’t what he was expecting to see today, but now that he thought about it, he wasn’t really surprised.

Leo was sitting on top of Mikey’s shell, digging mercilessly into his youngest brother’s underarms as Mikey kicked his legs underneath him.

“LEHEO!” Mikey cried as Leo noticed the presence of another person in the room.

“Alright, alright,” Leo grinned, stepping off of Mikey and letting him recover.

“What’s up, Case?” Leo held out a hand for Mikey to take, pulling Mikey to his feet.

“Oh, I heard Mikey shriek and I just wanted to see what the fuss was about.” Casey chuckled, setting down his hockey stick against the wall.

“Oh yeah, he’s fine! Just sensitive-” Leo teased.


Leo giggled and turned back to face Casey.

“What about you, huh? You ticklish?” Leo grinned mischievously.

Casey managed to hide his reaction, fully aware that no matter what he answered, Leo was going to test it out on him anyways.

“I don’t think so,” Casey shrugged, leaving Leo and Mikey both looking perplexed.

“You don’t think so?” Leo questioned, folding his arms over his plastron in disbelief.

“How could you not know?” Mikey scoffed, a little bit of his Dr. Delicate Touch side seeping through.

“I mean, I literally lived in an apocalypse, I guess I just never got tickled much.”

“Fair point.” Leo admitted.

“You know what we gotta do, man.” Mikey deadpanned before looking at Leo and smirking.

“Yep,” Casey didn’t even put up a fight and laid on the floor awkwardly in-between Leo and Mikey.

Leo and Mikey knelt down and gave him confused looks.

“Casey, my man, I will find a way to break you.” Leo tried to break the tension in the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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