Don't Try To Run From Me (Part 2)

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It's around 01.00 AM and both Zee and Tutor haven't gone to sleep as they both busy chatting. Tutor at first didn't want to know anything about Nunew but seeing Zee kinda change, he decided to ask about it.

"What kind of info did you got ?" ask Tutor
Zee then give him his phone to check the information that he got from Moz, his underlings. As Tutor keep on reading, Tutor find it hard to believe with the info of Nunew's ex.
"Is this real ?" ask Tutor
"Yeah, it's real." said Zee
Tutor goes silent as he learned the truth of Nunew's ex, Joss is the right hand of Zee's mortal enemy, Tor.
Both Tor and Zee's group have been mutual enemies ever since Zee's father took the role as the Leader of the Panich group. They both becomes enemies when Thanapob Group ambush Zee's grandparent's house. Maids, underlings, and both Zee's grandparents were killed at site as a warning to not messed up with the Thanapob Group. Tutor is part of the Panich Group as he is Zee's right hand man so he know how the history of Thanapob Group and Panich Group

Not only Tutor, Zee himself found it quite surprised as he know that Joss is the right hand of Tor Thanapob. After a long silent, Tutor finally ask to Zee
"Does Nunew know about it ? " ask Tutor
"No, he doesn't. Both of them have broke up 2 years ago, that was before Joss becomes the member of Thanapob Group." said Zee
"If that's the case, Nunew is no longer safe, now that Joss is trying to get back to him. Especially that he's now member of the Thanapob Group." said Tutor

Zee couldn't say anything as Tutor's words is right. He feels worry and confuse as this is the first time he felt like this to someone else. He know that he needs to come up for a plan as Joss has start his move.

Siam Paragon
It's 13.00 PM and Nunew with Namping have arrived at Siam Paragon, one of the mall in Thailand. They plan to buy stuffs like shirts, shorts, etc for their trip to Pattaya. Without them noticing, there's pair of eyes watching their every move.
"Boss, he has enter the building." said the man
"Follow his every move. Find the right timing to capture him."
"What about the other guy ?" ask the man
"Leave him, just bring Nunew to me."
"Ok." said the man

As the man starting to follow Nunew and Namping, Nunew and Namping are busy with their shopping. They walk pass from store to store to find the stuffs that they need. However, Nunew notice there's someone following them ever since they enter the mall. While Namping busy shopping, Nunew tries to look through his mirror about the person who has been following them. As he looks at it, he is surprised to see who the man is.

"Wait a minute....isn't that Blue? One of Joss's men ? What is he doing here ?" said Nunew
Yes, the man who follow them around is Blue, one of Joss's men. Joss has order him to capture Nunew and bring him back to him.
"That crazy pyscho....what am going to do now ?" said Nunew in panic
"What's wrong, phi ? You look totally pale." said Namping
"There's someone following us around and he's outside the store now." said Nunew
"What ?? Are you sure ?" said Namping
"Yeah, I'm sure. It's one of Joss's men, I think he wants to kidnap me." said Nunew
"That son of a..., should we call the police?" ask Namping
"No, it's no use since we don't have much proof and I doubt they would help too." said Nunew
"I have an idea.." said Namping

30 minutes pass and no sign of Nunew and Namping exit the store. Blue decided to see a bit closer whether they're still in the store or not. But, before he do it, he saw Nunew exit the store alone. He immediately follow him as this is his chance to capture Nunew. As he see Nunew goes to the basement, he immediately capture him.

"If you want to live, I suggest you follow me quietly, Nunew." said Blue
"The thing is....I'm not Nunew." he said
When Blue look to his face, he's surprised cause it really isn't Nunew. It was Namping. The reason why Blue thinks he was Nunew cause of the clothes. Turns out, Nunew and Namping switch clothes inside the store to trick Blue so that Nunew could run away immediately.
"YOU... WHERE'S NUNEW ???" yelled Blue as he grab Namping's collar
"I don't know..he probably run far away now." said Namping.

Back in the store
"WHAT ??? That's not a good idea, what if he takes you away ?" said Nunew
"No, he won't. He's alone so there's no way he will take the 2 of us. I'll be a decoy so you could run away as fast as you can, take a cab and go to Butterfly Kiss immediately. That's the safest place for now." said Namping
"Phi, trust me ok ? This is for your own safety, I'll be fine. Nothing will happen to me, ok ?" said Namping
"Ok...let's do this. Call me if anything happens, ok ?" said Nunew
"You too phi " said Namping.

Back in the basement
Blue let go of Namping's collar and grab his phone to make some calls.
"Call back ups, find Nunew around the mall and inside too. He shouldn't be too far." said Blue.
"Don't think you could run away from me, Nunew. I'll definitely catch you." said Blue.
After Blue left and run far from the basement, Namping drop to the floor as he still feel terrified. He try to call Nunew several times but he won't pick it up. He immediately call Mark for help.
"Hello, Phi'Mark ? Please I need your help !! Phi'Nunew is in danger." said Namping as he run inside to search for Nunew
"Hi, what do you mean Nunew is in danger ? What happened ?" said Mark
"One of Joss's men come to kidnapped Nunew. Nunew manage to run away but I don't know where he is. Phi'Nunew didn't answer my calls too." said Namping
"Where are you now ?" ask Mark
"I'm at Siam Paragon." said Namping
"Ok, meet me at the lobby." said Mark

Nunew keep on running to find a safe spot to hide. He also turn off his phone so they won't be able to track him down. While he run, he spot Blue from afar. As he tries to hide, someone grab him and hide with him inside a disabled restroom. Nunew keep on struggling as he tries to escape. When he look up to that person's face, he immediately feels calm as he recognised the man who help him hide.

"Mr......Zee ?"


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