024. 'walked about forever, finally arrived'

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"I just don't know anymore

The result of a quarter-century is here"

         THE MONTHS BEFORE SUMMER FELT longer than usual. Like, it almost felt excruciating how long it felt within the rippling, bustling city of New York. And it felt even worse with a mother who barely acknowledged your existence. And not to mention the constant need to hide from monsters, all of whom seemingly wanted to eat her more than before. Though, Dodie was beginning to believe that monsters were reeling into her life was the result of the uprising of Kronos's army that soon enough, would be posing as much more of a major threat than Dodie would like it to be.

Either way, it did not change the fact that life in New York City had gotten reasonably boring than it used to be. Dodie wasn't sure why, but it felt as though every day felt the same; wake up... make breakfast on her own... go to school... and help out in her mother's pharmacy — but that was just, well, all. It was like a repetitive ritual, which Dodie had always been grateful for the fact that her boring life was, well, boring. However...

Dodie felt almost restless.

Perhaps it was the constant paranoia of war, perhaps it was the fact that her dreams were slowly becoming more violent with every night she were to shut her eyes, but restlessness seemed to be like a dear friend of hers now. Dodie didn't like that.

The good thing was, it took her only a few months until she was called back to camp, where she felt mostly alive. The bad thing: was that it felt like a truck had hurled at her with a mountain amount of problems ever since she stepped back into the protection of the camp, leaving her city-girl life behind temporarily. And those problems were so prominent that it was almost impossible to ignore, but if she could, Dodie would rather not be a part of it, seeing as she had more pressing matters to attend to.

It seemed that while she was MIA from camp, the nectars and ambrosias stock had been ransacked by the Stoll brothers, and turns out they had been running an underground shop for the stolen goods, making demigods high on it. That didn't last though, for when Dodie had found this out, she had immediately dealt with it in a... well, Dodie way. However, that did not stop them from causing a minor shortage.

"I swear when I get my hands on those prats!" Dodie ruffled her hair in distress as she stood in the middle of the basement of the Big House.

"Chill, Dods," snorted Lee, sauntering toward his sister after having brought a box filled with nectars up the stairs to the infirmary with the other Apollo campers, "You've already got your hands on them. Those 'prats' are literally still stuck on that Katie's tree and no one can get them off with those arrows stock on them — by the way, Dods, what arrow did you use?" he added sheepishly.

𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘. percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now