[in Japan]When the flight landed, the gang tracked down where the celular communications were coming from, and headed towards the phone call's location. He called Alei,and gave him a warm welcoming message before he would strike. As he called, Alei picked up the phone. Alei asked who was calling, and Alison replied with:"Hey buddy, it's me... remember..? You declined my offer, and it was gonna be millions. Something that would be worth using to ugrade your... "tech"... but instead,i'm left with a decline. You know how much I hate declined offers that are good? heheh". Then Alison hung up, and sent his team of gang members in. Thegang used the tech that they had and shut off all the lights in Gilbert Facility. As Alei was just about to escape the office, the office funnel transporter doorshut on him and locked him in. The narrator walks up to the window of the office, and stares at Alei deep into his eyes with dispair. Alei panicks as he startspounding his fists on the windows and door, but it was no use. The "Narrator" says: "No one... no one declines a good offer... so as a thank you for dragging myass down here, i'll take what will rightfully be mine... Have fun dying alone, i'll be sure to send a goodbye gift by shutting down your facility and your projectto save everyone". As toxic gas starts to release from the air vents in the office being trapped in there, Alei finds it harder and harder to breathe. As he screamsfor help, no one can hear him since the building was evacuated and several scientists were shot to death, their eyes being minced, and bodies being hung for theworld to see. Alei's vision blurs out as his heart slowly stops, and drops to the floor dead. As the gang walks out the doors of Gilbert Facility, Alisonfinds an interesting antidote bottle that caught his interest. It was labeled "code:_RADSLA_", with a description that said "An antidote being run for tests that issuppose to cure the super cancer virus, but has side-affects like: Itchy throat, light headed, 90% immortality, and loss of sperm. The "90% immortality" made himwant to take it, and he did putting in his coat pocket. The gang escaped on time before the police had arrived to investiagate the crime scene. As the gang headedback to the airport a week later to fly back to America, Alison decided to quickly drink half the "code:_RADSLA_" bottle, leaving half the bottle left just incase.
[in America]
Now that the gang had a hold of the Machine, they now have full control over the business. They wanted to make loads of money, and they had the idea to run abusiness known as Fazbear INC. They wanted to make Fazbear INC. a manifacturing facility where they made animatronics of their own and create businesses acrossAmerica that were for children's entertainment. But this wasn't for the kids, this was for the money. And this was easy money for Alison and the gangto make. On October 3rd of 1943, they created their first children's location called "GoldieParaDiner", where they had an animatronic talking gold bear andgold bunny. They were specially designed suits that Alison liked to call Springlock suits. Both animatronic and a suit for a person to fit inside. Asweeks went by, the "Narrator's" greed grew stronger and stronger. He put up a "for hire" sign for Fazbear INC., and quite a lot of people were hired that day.On October 19th of 1943, an entertainer known as the Green Jester or his real name "Gron", was one of those people who were able to take the job at bothGoldieParaDiner and Fazbear INC. He was a full time hard working father with a loving wife and 2 kids. A very close friend of Gron's named Vincent was a slackerwhen it came to jobs. A few days after Vincent got the job at Fazbear INC., Gron and Vincent were talking and slacking off the job as Alison was stalkingand secretly watching above in the balcony in disappointment and anger. When things don't go his way, he get's this urge to force control upon those who don'tbehave. Several other employees were slacking off as well, and breaks were certainly not allowed in Fazbear INC. The employees who don't behave have 2 chances:Break chance 1? You get dragged by the other gang members behind the "secret wall" that lies a horrible dark secret of slavery and enforcement. Break chance 2?You get forced into one of the torture suits and die from head to toe, as the sharp knives and needles stab every part of your body, draining your blood and organsinside out using it as fuel to power up the Torture suits, giving them a new and torturous life of pain and suffering. Luckily for Gron and Vincent, they got afree pass just this once. But as for the others, most of them were sent behind the wall that lies the dark secrets behind Fazbear INC. Gron and Vincent were notaware of what lied behind the wall, or even of it's existence. On October 29th of 1943, Gron and Vincent were finding Alison to be a little suspicious.Their curiousity got out of control as Gron and Vincent started to quietly and stealthfully follow Alison. The "Narrator" was looking around in paranoia asif he felt he was being watched, or wanted to see if the coast was clear. Gron saw the pattern he put into the brick wall, and the wall opened with a long set ofstairs going down. The wall closed behind Alison, Gron and Vincent went up to the wall and implemented the same passcode their boss had put in. As the wallopened, they quietly walked down the stairs that was covered in dry and thick red liquid they could only assume was blood. As they got to the last set of stairs,they peaked behind the wall without being seen, and saw something they'll never forget. They saw the lives of many being enslaved, whipped, beat up, and forced towork as the cries of the many echo across the stairs. They were forced to worship this false idle called the "Torture Device" that they saw was under constructionand being forced to work on. As Gron and Vincent ran up the stairs, Alison heard the metal stairway sounds. Gron and Vincent quickly headed for Floor 11where the Machine was located, and tried their best to sabatoge the machine to where it would stop making Torture Suits built for slavery and torture. As Gronand Vincent damaged the Machine, it would seem as if it stopped. But without them realizing, they only made it worse and corrupted the AI. Gron and Vincent wentback to Floor 1, and saw Alison standing across from them with anger. As Alison ran towards them trying to kill them, Gron and Vincent ran towardsthe other direction where the exit was located. They left the building, locked the door, and barricated it. The "Narrator" pounded on the door yelling at them, andas Gron and Vincent ran away, they heard screams, the sound of blood splatter, and flesh being ripped. From that day foward, they only found out they were workingfor a monster doing the Devil's deed. The "Narrator" however remained alive, and controlling the Torturous beasts that roam the facility of Fazbear INC. On November 5th of 1943, 3 employees who worked at Fazbear INC. accidentally sent off a shipment of 2 more animatronics to the GoldieParaDiner location. The 2 extrasuits sooned arrived at the doorstep of GoldieParaDiner, and the owner of the location was confused about the delivery, and opened the package. He didn't make anorder and saw that the blueprints for the suits were completely different. These weren't springlock suits, they were something completely different that he didn'tknow of. So for safety percautions, they put the 2 extras suits known as Golden Frankburt and Golden KittyFazCat in the hidden bunker underground where no one couldfind them, except for anyone working there. The suits will be checked out soon he said as he closed the latch, and covered it with a rug. The 3 of the employees backat Fazbear INC. went to Floor 9 out of curiousity, and investigated why their boss put Floor 9 as off limits. They opened the door, and heared as it creaked open.Their was webs and dust everywhere, and in front of the 3 of their eyes, lied 3 torture suits: The Beast, Torture Buster, and Torture Saber (warewolf animatronic).The boss (Narrator) checked the cams and saw the 3 employees in Floor 9. The 3 employees saw meat clevers, hooks, chains, knives, slaughter equipment, dead corpses,and other grotest and grusome things like intestines and eyeballs. There was blood absolutely everywhere, and it was a sight that wasn't worth seeing. The 3 employeesturned around to see Alison standing in front of them saying: "I thought I said this room was off limits, hmm? Did you really think you could get awaywith this? This is my factory... my rules... and you didn't play by my rules..." One of the 3 employees said: "I'm sorry... please... let us go... I have kidsto feed... we won't go into the room again... We s-swear on our life we won't t-tell anyone...." Alison replied with: "Bet on it..." Alison grabbeda rusty metal pipe off the ground and abused them with it to the point where they were brused severely and blood was running down their nose and mouth. The 3employees were foolish enough to go into the 3 Torture suits labeled "The Slaughter Crew", and thought that they could fight back using the metal torture suits.They were wrong and failed to notice that when they couldn't move. Alison could do nothing but laugh and grin evily at them. One of the 3 employees said:"I..I'm stuck.... GET US OUT OF THESE THINGS!!!" Alison replied again with: "You dumb asses, when a person enters these torture suits it automaticallydeploys torture mode, meaning YOU'RE NOT GETTING OUT. See this button here? I'm gonna press it, and i'm gonna watch as you die, and scream my name. I'll watchas your family looses you and wonders why you never came home for a warm meal. I'll watch as your family wonders why you never came back home to say goodnightto your children. Goodbye fools, it was a shame it had to come to this." As Alison presses the button, one of the employees yell: "DAMN YOU!" As thetorture suit shoves and stabs the knives and needles from head to toe, draining every bit of blood and organs in their bodies using it as fuel, they screamedand cried as Alison watched them die until he heard nothing more come out of their mouths. On December 23rd of 1943, Gron was going to take his wife and 2kids to GoldieParaDiner as an early Christmas celebration for the kids. Gron got into the car, and while he was buckling the seatbelt, his wife Lynda yelled Gron'sname, and Gron looked up only to see a car charging right towards them at high speed, crashing their car. The impact was severe, and the damage to the family wasnear death. Alison stepped out of his car, walked up to Gron while he was knocked out and said in his ear: "You will learn from this, and learn not to fuckwith me and my business ever again". Alison decided to then run away back to Fazbear INC. and wear new spare clothing so that the evidence of him being apart of the crash wasn't there. The neighbors then walked outside and saw the damage, contacting 911. The ambulance soon arrived bringing them to the emergency room.Alison saw this happen and wasn't about to allow Gron's life to go back to the way it was. So he sent one of his gang members to be a hitman and cause somemore damage to Gron's life. When the ambulance arrived at the hospital and got into the emergency room, the doctor's were falsy called out to another patient foranother "doctor" to take over the procedure. The gang member's hitman then entered the room, disguised as a doctor. He walked up to Gron, and looked at him forthe longest time. He then said: "You should have never became part of the Fazbear INC. family". He then walked over to Lynda's life support, starred back at Gron,then ripped the cord shutting down every bit of life Lynda had left in her. Gron saw a glimpse of this happen as he was opening his eyes and yelled: "NOOOOOO" as hebroke down in tears seeing his life falling apart one chunk at a time. The hitman then ran to Gron and knocked him out by hitting him across the head with hishandgun. The hitman then snuck out of the building, the job was done. One of the real doctor's returned to the room finding the life support deactivated and calledfor medical attention for the patients immediately. Several doctor's then headed over to the room to assist. A day later on December 24th, Gron awoke from his sleepon the hospital bed. The doctor's looked at him as he awoke, and sighed with disappointment. One of the doctor's came up to Gron and said: "Gron... we're afraid wehave some bad news.... we tried everything we could to stablize your wife... but... she's gone.... i'm sorry...." Gron could do nothing but break down crying. AsGron got up, he limped towards his dead wife on the hospital bed, and kissed her hand in tears. Gron kept whispering "I'm Sorry" to his wife and children. The otherdoctor then stood up and said: "We're going to have to send your youngest child to a foster family... we need to assure his safety.... but... we can't do the samefor your oldest child since... he's at the age where he can make his own decisions.... we can't force that with the age that he's in..." The youngest child then gotup, hugged his father (Gron), and said: "I love you daddy". The doctor then held the youngest child's hand, and walked him to the new family he was being sent to.The youngest child looked back at his father as he was walking with the doctor and waved goodbye. The oldest child then made a choice, he decided he was going tostay with his father, he loved him too much to just let him go. They were safe to return back to their home since they're in a good enough condition to do so. SoGron and the oldest child got into a taxi and went back home. Gron then decided to give his oldest child an early christmas present. As the oldest child openedthe present, he looks to see a hat that Gron used to wear. As rediculous of a present it was, he appreciated it, charished it, and smiled. Gron smiled as well. Asthe day turned to night, it was about time to head to bed. Gron got his son all tucked in bed and fast asleep, and kisses his forhead. Gron couldn't bare to havehis child see his own father in such a horrible state of condition. He didn't want his child to see his own father in so much pain, physically and mentally. SoGron then wrote a little note for his son to read and it's said: "Dear Charles, daddy won't be home for a very long time... I did some things that I can't exactlyexplain to you since you are too young to understand. I'm sorry my little one, I will be back... soon... - Your daddy". The oldest son Charles, didn't know what todo alone. He only knew so much, but he wasn't ready for this. He then stood paralized for a few seconds and heard a voice in his head. Charles heard whispering inhis head that had a familiar voice, that almost sounded like his mother. He slowely looked towards the last unopened gift box, slowly opened it, and the whispersgrew louder and louder.
The returns to Freddy's: The Dreadful Chapter
HorrorThis is a work from my favorite fangame developer, I don't take any credit in writing this as I would of probably just made it worse. I uploaded all nine chapters as soon as I could so everyone who comes across it could experience this all at once. ...