I Will Murder That Pussy!

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That fucking slut!

I'm extremely angry after seeing what Dallas did. Of all the things she could have done she let that tatted up steroid freak eat her pussy! Oh I promise you when I get my hands on her for the first time that I will murder that pussy, she well being calling on God and Jesus, his twelve disciples and his mother when I'm done with her black ass. I understand that she was thinking on her feet , but it still bothers me that another man tasted her before I did.

I had my spy in the orphanage place cameras in her room a while ago. I only ever watched the camera feed when she was fully clothed or asleep, it actually calmed me to watch her sleep. I was able to sleep with ease knowing that my baby girl was sleeping peacefully as she should, I'm fully aware of this Antonio individual that felt like he had a claim to my bride. That was the main reason why I killed her stupid mother in the first place, she should have never offered Dallas to that sick fuck in the first place.

You see Dallas's mother stole some money from Antonio's father and was caught. Luckily for her Antonio Had an obsession with Dallas and Namia, Dallas's mother used it to her advantage to get her and Dallas's father out of harm's way. But later on down the line Namia realized what a fucking weirdo that Antonio was and wanted to get her daughter out of town asap. Antonio's father tried to get to Namia and Dallas but they were protected by the towns people of Maystone, so they backed off. When I dropped Dallas off at the orphanage I knew that Antonio would eventually find Dallas but I was thought I would be there to slit his throat.

I still have hope that I will be able to though.Now that I know that Dallas is headed this way I need to execute my plan to get out of this place which means I have to deal with my insufferable as fuck cousin. I cannot stand my cousin Jesse, he spews that hateful pure white bullshit, but privately he slides in and out of black pussy like nobody's business. His in public wife is white and his in private wife is black.

His public wife Jessica is no better, that bitch is a total whore for BBC. They are just walking frauds that have no real purpose, I truly wonder how Sara who is Jesse's private wife feels about all of this, it is probably very hurtful for her to hear the bullshit that Jesse speak and then comes home to her after putting his nasty lips on her after he had kissed Jessica's dick sucking mouth, yuck! 

I called Jesse yesterday and told him that I wanted to speak with him about getting out of here and he said he would be here around 2 in the afternoon and it's now 145 in the afternoon. While I'm sitting here waiting for Jesse to show up I see that Dallas and her best friend whose name I believe is Mariah move the body to one of the empty rooms and cover it with a sheet. Dumb move but they don't have time to come up with another plan right now they need to get out of dodge, so they leave the body in the empty room grab their stuff and high tail it out of there. My spy told me that they have a flight leaving at four pm for Maystone, as I watch the girls leave out of the orphanage my room door opens and in walks my insufferable cousin walks in with a smug ass look on his face that I want to slap of his face.

"Hey cuz whats going on wit you"? Jesse says to me I laugh shaking my head and say "you know for some one who spews trash about not liking black people you sound like one, don't let your precious followers here you speak like that". He sits down in the chair across from my bed and laughs and says "so you are ready to get out of here right, well I need to make sure that you are not going to be a problem for me and the family". 

I sigh and lean back looking directly into Jesse's eyes and say "all I wanna do is get out of here get my woman, fuck her brains out and live in peace". He studies me for a minute then stands walking to the door and says "I'll have you out of here by tonight, please behave and try not to harm anyone". I smile and tell him "thank you I will try, but if that pervert bitch comes in here I'm going to keep my promise and skin her alive. Keep that bitch away from me". He laughs while leaving my room.

Later around 8 pm I'm once again a free man. It's time for me to go get everything ready in my new condo, because I have new neighbors moving in across from the hall from me, one of them just happens to be my bride to be and not only is she my neighbor but I'm also her landlord, I own the building she is moving into, its almost showtime.

oooooooooooo it looks like Dallas is in trouble!!!

Ghost-face is a free man!!!

Jesse let him go because he felt he could explain to the media that his cousin has been treated and learned from his mistakes...but also because their family runs shit and money talks!!!

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