I am not who I am - Othello Prompt

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I watch as the chaos begins, the buzz of the city was once in my ears, and now there is nothing but screams. I stand, watching from the high rooves and I debate, should I? Should I not? My past forged this withered version of myself with iron flames. My parents, the police, the so-called hero of the city. They are nothing but fakes. They care not for the people who truly need saving -- need to be saved from themselves. They are too blind, or choose to disregard us; write us off as evil. I scoff at the irony of it all, I've finally succeeded. The world will soon fall into chaos, the people will turn on each other and no one will stop it. No one can. Yet here I am, the so-called hero withering at my feet and I feel nothing but despair. This is what I've always wanted, to stop the suffering that suffocates this world. Although, I wish there was a way to end it all without the sword of suffering itself. Nevertheless, my time has come. With a sigh, I let myself fall. The world's buzz suddenly disappears replaced with the thrashing wind. Finally, I know, I am free. For so long I was a fake, but now... I am who truly I am. Hopelessly free.

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