Chapter 26

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His words hung in the air between us

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His words hung in the air between us. The rain outside the thin walls came to a soft drizzle. My heartbeat rang in my ears as his hazel eyes stared boldly into mine.

"Are you going to let me kiss you?" He raised an eyebrow, his lips still hovering over mine.

"You didn't ask the first time," I responded, wrapping my arms around his neck and placing my lips on his. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me impossibly closer to him.

His kiss was soft, prodding, and sweet. My hands slide up his muscular arms, his skin warm under my fingertips. He licked my bottom lip, opening my mouth up and granting him more access.

His tongue massaged mine, his hands caressing me everywhere. They snaked down to my waist applying pressure with his fingers and tracing circles on my bare skin. He left a hot trail down my neck, his lips warm and wet. I leaned my head back against the wall, his hand caressing the side of my neck.

I squirmed when his other hand found my thigh and squeezed it gently. They worked their way up to my pelvis. His hands rubbed my inner thigh. I was in pure bliss, my body melting into his touch.

A deep rumble erupted from the sky, snapping my eyes open. Reid stilled, rolling his eyes up to my face, asking "What?"

"We should probably go home," I breathed, my hands clinging on to his shirt. "My grandparents must be worried sick by now. Wondering where we went."

"Shit you're right," he took a step back, peering at the dark sky. He picked up his phone, the tiny rectangle, lighting up the small area with its white light. "I'll order another ride. You should call your grandma and let her know where we are."

I nodded, grabbing my phone and unlocking the screen. Countless messages flooded my screen all from my grandma asking about our whereabouts. The last text made me gasp out loud. "Reid, your mom's awake."

He paused the typing on his phone. An exhale left his mouth.

"We can go to the hospital instead, I don't mind." I jumped off the table and stood on my feet. I touched his arm, trying my best to offer comfort and understanding, something I was continuously bad at doing.

He clicked send on the location, and a check popped up on his screen. "I'll check on her tomorrow. My dad's probably with her right now and I don't want to see his face."


He grabbed my hand and held it in his. He brought it up to his lips and kissed the back of my hand. "Can we just go home, please? I've had enough for the day. I'm tired and want to get you home safely."

I nodded, resisting the urge to say anything else. A lot did go on for him today. He looked out the open window, staring off into the distance. We made it home before the clock struck midnight. Reid walked me to my door, waiting for someone to let me in.

His Summer Addiction (Removing on July 30th)Where stories live. Discover now