New Partner: Part 2.5

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Song of the day: Dusk Till Dawn by ZAYN & Sia

Question of the day: Who do you think has the worst trauma in BSD? My answer is: My boy, Atsushi! Now, please don't come at me, this is just my personal opinion and you can have your own opinion as well. I am not forcing you to agree, but simply sharing what I think.

Before you start, in this oneshot, abilities are a reflection of the user's soul. This will be important later in the story! I don't know if it makes sense, but bear with me. Enjoy this oneshot!

Guide to acronyms and words I'll be using:
Y/N = Your name
L/N = Last name
E/C = Eye color


It's been exactly a year since Chuuya and Y/N became a couple. To celebrate their anniversary, they decided to go to the same bar that they went to last year.

The couple was reminiscing about their past until Y/N started getting curious about his previous partner, Dazai. Hoping that she won't step on a mine and keeping a neutral face, she asked, "I remember you being very against having me as your new partner. Were you that attached to your ex-partner that much?"

Chuuya drunkenly answers, "...I suppose... You could say we were both great friends. We both knew each other's attack patterns by heart and insulted each other everyday, every moment, but we still trusted each other a lot. To be honest, I never thought I'd actually admit this, but I did—still do actually—miss him very much."

Y/N smiles softly, "You two must have a very special and unbreakable bond then."

Chuuya smiles back, "You're right... Those moments really were special to me... It's too bad he left the mafia."

"May I ask for the reason why he left?"

"Sorry, I don't know about that. He just blew my car up, 'with me in it', and left the Port"

"I apologize for asking such a sensitive topic."

"It's alright. You were just curious."

"No, it's still my fault. How can I compensate?"

"Then, can I ask you a question in return?"

Y/N was caught off guard, but returned to her usual demeanor quickly, "Of course, ask me anything and I can guarantee you that I will answer the best I can."

Chuuya thought for a moment. "How come you always keep a neutral face and a polite, yet unbothered tone?"

This was the last question that Y/N expected from Chuuya. His question reminded her of the reason why her ability was Puppeteer.

"Are you sure you want to know?" her voice showed her hesitance to answer.

"Of course. Trust me, nothing will change between us," his gray eyes staring deeply into her E/C eyes.

Y/N sighed, "Very well... You see, it's because my father was the previous Port Mafia boss."

Chuuya was surprised, but nodded as a sign to let her continue.

"My mother died giving birth to me. Because of that, my father blamed me and thought I should die for my sin. Shortly after my birth, he would continuously abuse me, going as far as trying to kill me. One day, a mafia member suggested I join the mafia to be of some use and hopefully die during missions. And so, I was forced to learn martial arts, assassination, including other skills to make me become a pawn and the best soldier. My father came up with a rule I must always obey: Always follow the boss' orders." Chuuya frowned while clenching his fists.

"Growing up, he stopped addressing me as a human, but rather as a puppet, often telling me how puppets don't show emotions and how they must always obey their master's orders. I grew accustomed to that mindset. That's why I acted that way. Sorry... Even after his death, I still can't get the shadow of him that haunts me out of my head."

The story made her lover rage internally, 'What the hell?! He was basically brainwashing her into thinking that she's a puppet then!'

Shortly after, he remembered something: Abilities are a reflection of the soul.

Chuuya blames himself for not realizing this sooner. Hoping she won't feel uncomfortable, he said sincerely, "Y/N, you are perfect just the way you are. It wasn't your fault that your mother died. Please... Please don't think of yourself as your father's puppet... I want you to show your emotions instead of bottling them up! It's fine if you don't want to right now... But know that I will forever wait for you to be honest with me."

Something about the shine in his eyes triggers her emotions. The emotions of a little girl who was abused and forced to grow up.

Y/N cried for the first time on Chuuya's shoulder. The couple were hugging each other. Y/N was clutching the back of his shirt, as if she was holding onto hope since she was drowning in despair for a long time.

For the first time, she was able to cry without somebody telling her to suck it up. For the first time, somebody told her that it wasn't her fault. For the first time, she was able to open up. For the first time, somebody noticed and loved her. And that someone was Nakahara Chuuya.

At that moment, Chuuya thought of her like glass, making sure she was being treated with extreme care. He was afraid of breaking her even more when all he wanted to do was support and help her overcome her trauma.

She is forever grateful that she and Chuuya have met. No one can convince them that they weren't soulmates. They will be each other's first and last love. Absolutely nothing in the world, in the universe, can change that.

— The end.

A/N: Well, that took a while for such a short chapter. Don't we just love trauma? Thanks for reading! Please vote if you liked this!

— Mal

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