𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆

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A handsome man stood in kitchen , preparing breakfast for his two younger brothers who were sleeping peacefully. He looked at digital clock hanging in living room which showed the time 5:50 am . He shooked his head and went to one of the room to met with darkness and small snores . He went near the window opening the curtains letting the sunrays come inside

The boy who was sleeping peacefully scrunched his nose when sunrays fell directly on his face disturbing his sleep . He graomed, pulling the blanket over his face while saying "jimin hyung please let me sleep " in his sleepy and raspy morning voice

"No tae , it's 6 am already. Get up now " jimin said while leaving the room . And Taehyung sat on bed ruffling his messy hairs . He went to do his morning routine and get ready

Here jimin came in the room of his youngest brother or you can say the prince of the house . His foot got hit with something. He went to switches and turned on the light to met with the mess . Games and chips wrappers lying on floor . He shooked his head and went to the bed of bunny boy , shaking him a little he said " bunny wake up , it's 6 am " jungkook whined and turned to another side. Jimin again shaked him knowing that waking up the sleepy jungkook is one of the most difficult task

"5 min more hyung " jungkook said in his sleepy voice. "Ok but only five minutes or Taehyung will come to wake you " jimin said being done with the boy " clean this room after waking up because of Taehyung saw this then you know what will happen" he said and exited the room

He came and kitchen and started cleaning the kitchen as he was done making breakfast. Just then Taehyung came downstairs fully ready . "Hyung You get ready, I will set the table till then "Taehyung said while taking the plates from his hand. Jimin nodded and went to his room to get ready

Taehyung looked at time and saw it was 6:45 am but jungkook is still not down . He set the table and went to his room to wake that sleeping bunny up . On entering the room he saw something which was enough to make him angry. The whole room was mess and jungkook was sleeping peacefully without caring about anything

Taehyung controlled his anger and went near his bed and started shaking him a little "jungkook wake up it's going to be 7 " jungkook whined and turned around. Taehyung knew he is not gonna wake up so easily. He smacked his bottom tightly making him wake up with scream "aaah , who the hell " jungkook looked around only to find Taehyung standing with hands crossed over his chest and glaring him

He laughed nervously and said "hehe .. taetae hyung you here .. Good morning" . Taehyung smiled creepily and said " if i didn't got you downstairs in 30 min, I swear your morning will not be good " it was enough for jungkook to run toward the bathroom. Taehyung shooked his head and headed towards stairs while shouting " AND CLEAN THIS ROOM TOO! "

When Taehyung reached downstairs he found jimin already there, sitting on dining table scrolling through his phone." That brat again slept , even after I wake him up " jimin said with his eyes fixed on screen . Taehyung came sat on chair beside him saying "yeah !, But already gave him dose "

Taehyung looked at wrist watch and said "if he didn't came here in 2 min , he will go University with red cheek " jimin just shooked his head . Soon they saw jungkook running down . They both shouted together " DONT RUN OR YOU WILL...* thump* Fall " but before they could complete their sentence jungkook got tripped and fell down . They both sighed and went to boy who was lying on floor. He got up from floor with nervous face and said " hehe .. i am fine hyung "

Jimin glared him and pulled his ear , twisting it hard "Ouck- aah hyung" jungkook whispered in pain ." What hyung huh!, How many times i said to not to run in house but no little prince is not gonna listen to me until he get some repairing right! " jimin scolded while twisting his ear. Jungkook scrunched his nose due to pain and said ." Hyung please you also don't start Hitler have already took my class in morning " jungkook said forgetting that Taehyung is standing just behind him . He felt his another ear being pulled too ." OWw-ie " he hissed and turned his head a little as his one ear was in jimin's hand and saw Taehyung standing behind him twisting his another ear

𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒓 𝑯𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒔 Where stories live. Discover now