Writings froms pasts down deep

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To write is human and to edit is divine.

Not my words but the legend Stephen kings.I have loved reading and writing for a long time now. I wrote my first poetry at the age of sixteen in a literature class. It was a moment of epiphany. Where I was inspired to write more and more. The words..

You were happy like the moon

I was sad like the sun

But still hot enough

To survive the Cold you brought..

I am still not sure what it means but isn't that one of the perks of poetry that it means whatever the reader thinks it does as it relates to him..

Not long after that, i shared somewhere on the corner of the internet.One reader commented

"It is amazing how you can say so much with so few words"

Yes, it is one of those comments that means so much to a starting-out Artist.And I took it to heart and wrote more poetry.And maybe that is what we all need. Just a little words of encouragement to find the things that excite as most.

-Your Struggling Artist. :)

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