Unrequited Love: A Confession

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         Sorry... I fell for you. Those were the words that echoed in Mark's mind as he sat alone in his dimly lit apartment. He had never intended for this to happen, but sometimes, the heart has a mind of its own.

Mark had met Anita at a local coffee shop a few months ago. She had a radiant smile that could light up the darkest of rooms, and her laughter was like a melody that played on a constant loop in his mind. They had struck up a conversation over a shared interest in books, and from that moment, there was an undeniable connection between them.

But there was a problem, a big one. Anita was not just a regular girl he could ask out for a coffee date. She was already committed to someone else. She had mentioned her long-term boyfriend, Chris, in passing during their conversations, and it was clear that their relationship was solid. Anita and Chris seemed inseparable, the kind of couple that made others believe in true love.

Despite knowing this, Mark couldn't help but fall for her. He tried to ignore his feelings, burying them deep within himself, but they only grew stronger with each passing day. He couldn't control his heart, and he found himself thinking about Anita constantly.

One rainy evening, Mark found himself sitting across from Anita at their usual coffee spot. As they chatted and laughed, he couldn't help but be consumed by the overwhelming desire to confess his feelings. He had rehearsed the words in his head a thousand times, but when he finally opened his mouth, all that came out was,

"Sorry... I fell for you."

Anita's bright eyes widened, and she stared at him in shock. Her lips trembled as she tried to find the right words to respond. Mark's heart was pounding in his chest, and he felt a wave of regret wash over him. He had just jeopardized their friendship and put her in an impossible position.

After what felt like an eternity, Anita finally managed to speak. "Mark, I... I don't know what to say. I care about you a lot, too, but you know I'm with Chris, and I love him."

Mark nodded, tears welling up in his eyes. He had expected this response, but it didn't make the pain any easier to bear. "I understand, Anita. I'm so sorry for putting you in this awkward situation."

Anita reached out and gently touched his hand. "It's okay, Mark. I appreciate your honesty, and I don't want to lose our friendship."

Those words gave Mark a glimmer of hope. Perhaps they could move past this awkward moment and continue their friendship. But deep down, he knew that things could never be the same between them.

In the weeks that followed, Mark tried his best to act as if nothing had happened. He and Anita continued to meet at the coffee shop, but there was an undeniable tension in the air. Every smile, every laugh, felt like a painful reminder of what could never be.

Mark couldn't help but wonder if he had made a mistake by confessing his feelings. Maybe he should have kept them to himself and continued to cherish the moments they shared as friends. But he couldn't deny the truth any longer; he was in love with Anita, and it was tearing him apart.

One evening, as the sun set in shades of orange and pink, Mark decided he needed to have one more conversation with Anita. He couldn't keep pretending that everything was okay. He needed closure, even if it meant losing her as a friend.

They sat at their usual table, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken words. Mark took a deep breath and finally spoke. "Anita, I need to be honest with you one more time. I can't just pretend that everything is fine. I want to be with you, and it hurts to see you with someone else. But I understand that you love Chris, and I respect that. I don't want to keep causing you discomfort or pain."

Tears welled up in Anita's eyes as she listened to Mark's words. She reached out and held his hand. "Mark, you're an amazing person, and I'm so grateful to have you in my life. You mean a lot to me, too, but I can't change the way I feel about Chris. I hope you understand."

Mark nodded, his heart aching with the weight of unrequited love. "I do, Anita. I just needed to say it one more time to get some closure. I want you to be happy, even if it's not with me."

As they sat there, hand in hand, Mark couldn't help but feel a sense of bittersweet relief. He had laid his heart bare, and though it had not brought the outcome he had hoped for, it had given him a sense of closure. Anita was special to him, and she always would be, even if they couldn't be together.

inspiration by
'Cherry Magic' verse from Kurosawa Yuichi to Adachi
but I changed this story to
love that was rejected

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