1.) Fit In

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It was after yet another successful show when Ryan and Min-Gi were walking back to their van.
"Man, that was awesome! That had to be like our best show yet!" Ryan jumped around happily in front of Min.
"You say that every time." Min laughed at the other.
"Well, every show gets even better and funner and-!" Thanks to Ryan's lack of awareness for his surroundings he had bumped into someone behind him.
"Ryan!" Min complained embarrassed by his friend's ditziness.
"Ah, oh man, sorry!" Ryan rubbed his head  as he sat on the ground next to his victim. Min helped Ryan up as the other stood on his own.
"I don't mind." Ryan had bumped into a guy that must've been around their age. He did look familiar to Min and then Ryan soon recalled.
"Woah, Jason?" Ryan pointed mouth agape.
That's when Min remembered who this guy was.

In high school Jason would make fun of Ryan for being different, more eccentric, and to Jason, a "faggot." Ryan obviously denied the accusation of being gay and even when Min asked to talk about it he didn't budge so Min-Gi knew better to leave it alone.

Min watched as Ryan cringed, slowly remembering how Jason treated him.
"You remember me?" Jason gave a half a smile.
"Of course I remember you." Ryan crossed his arms as he glared at Jason. Min only stood, observing.
"Look, I know I was an asshole to you back in high school, but I actually came to see you guys perform tonight." Jason came closer and swung his arm around Ryan who tensed, almost immediately, clearly uncomfortable, in which he was never.

"I wanted to actually invite you to a party back at mine. A lot of people from high school will be there. We could start new." Min's eyebrows furrowed and he quickly separated the two pushing Jason off of Ryan.
"We don't want to come to your stupid party and what makes you think you can just talk to him like you're buddies after how you treated h-"
"Let's go, Min!" Ryan took Min by his arm to calm him but he also wore this pleading face that Min struggled to refuse.

"Whah?!- Ryan, don't you remember-" Min was, again, interrupted by Ryan who pulled him aside.
"Of course I remember but like this could be a chance to prove how cool we actually are, Min!" Ryan whisper yelled.
"What? Why should we have to prove anything to them?" Min whispered in less of an angry tone but one of concern instead.
"I.. It's different now, Min. Didn't you used to wish that we could fit in with Jason and his friends?" Ryan recalled.
"Yes, but-"
"Perfect! Then it's settled, we're going!" Ryan turned back to Jason with a smile. Min was going to fight him on it once more but then he saw that light in Ryan's eyes that Min simply couldn't refuse.
"Really?" Jason glared at Min who tried his best to ignore.
"Your friend doesn't seem to want to." Jason noticed.
Ryan smiled a more forceful smile as he elbowed Min.
"Of course he does, right, Min? Hahah...."
"Right. Yeah.. Yeah, I'm so excited." Min showed a painful smile.
"So, where is it?" Ryan asked. Jason took out a sticky note from his black leather jacket and handed to Ryan.
"Oh, thanks, dude!" He quickly took the sticky note that held the address to the party.
"Starts at ten, see you soon!" Jason waved as he walked off.
Ryan smiled at the sticky note, his naive excitement all too visible.
"Ryan, do you really think this is a good idea?" Min walked in front of Ryan to face him.
"It couldn't hurt!" He exclaimed looking up from the sticky note to Min who wore a worried expression.
"Minnnn, don't worry about it. Trust me, it'll be fun!" Ryan patted Min's shoulder as he started to make his way to the van. Min reluctantly followed.

Once in the van Min, again, tried to get through to Ryan. "Hey, Ryan?" Min called as Ryan started the engine and looked back to the sticky note at the address.
"Yeah?" He asked turning his attention to the road as he backed up and drove out of the parking lot.
"Don't you think it's just slightly suspicious that Jason, out of nowhere, after all of these years suddenly invited us to a party of his. Mind you we've never been invited to one of his parties before." Min tried to explain.
Ryan laughed a breathy laugh almost as though he weren't sure of it himself. "Min, I'm not stupid, okay? If it turns out he's still an asshole we'll just leave, but I think it's really cool that he's inviting us." He forced a smile slightly irritated with Min. He felt as though, yet again, Min was doubting him. It went quiet.

As Ryan got closer to the given address Min spoke again. "I don't think that this is a good idea." Min mumbled.
"Fine, then. I'll just go without you." Ryan threatened to go alone hoping Min would fight him and come anyway.
"Whatever. He didn't even invite me anyway, he invited you. That's why I thought it was so weird in the first place." Min tried one final time to get Ryan to see the unusualness of it all but to no avail.
Ryan pulled into an almost empty driveway other than Jason's car that sat in front of his house.
"Hey, isn't this like a party? Where is everyone?" Min asked even more suspicious than before.
"Everyone's probably late." Ryan paused. Him and Min stared at each other for a brief moment. Ryan could see the uncertainty in Min's face. Ryan only laughed it off with a smirk. "When you decide to join the party come inside, huh?" Ryan winked at him before exiting the van.

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