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Chapter 1

Hm... I don't know, not sure what to write. You would think that after somehow combining 6 individual stories together by death and supernatural elements, it would be easy to start a new set of stories or even one new story, that would go longer than 18 pages, however, that's how I write, I don't know. This one, I feel like writing about nothing, no sense or direction. Oh wait, I can write about that. I can write about nothing. But you'll want a story, maybe, unless you share the same feelings as me. If not, you will try to read and complete this book. This book of Nothing, I should start this one like a story, so let's see... "Once upon a time..." no, that's too old, I don't know, maybe I'll tell you something, maybe I won't, but whatever you read from this work, will be something to hold on for quite sometime or nothing at all. Should it be that way? Is there even a way? See, realisation helps, when you realise the things around you, that helps in making things more sense, this sense helps you live your life and continue living. If it's bad, then it kills you from within, there is nothing you can do for yourself. If you haven't picked it up by now, it's pretty much obvious that I took the liberty to use these themes of death, self doubt and misunderstandings to write my works, but throughout them all, I can't seem to remember, how I was feeling. When I try to remember how I was feeling, I just see a black screen infront of me, I can't recall those feelings at will, but they show up sometimes, they helped me write, that is why I want to thank them, if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be able to write this much or even be at this point of my life. I hate them but, they still did improve my life somehow. They are those that hurt but don't leave marks, help learn but don't teach, listen but don't speak. They are strange, but they are in their own way, rather important.

Chapter 2

So you see, in the earlier part of this year, I was playing Minecraft as I always did, with my friends, making cool projects, trying out new stuff and happy with my Axolotls, but then suddenly, one of them asked me "should we reset the world?" and I questioned him why, why restart and leave when we are doing so good? Why should we leave this? Aren't we happy here? We have everything, we aren't short of food or shelter and are getting to make more projects, there is so much to try. He simply said that he wanted to restart and have a better start next time. And it left me thinking, maybe having a better start can help us do better, a new world can help us both become better.

So I did that, without giving it a second thought, said goodbye to it, left it and then deleted it. Then the new world started, we joined and as it is traditional, that the first thing you do when you enter a new world, is that you get necessary supplies like wood, so I started doing that. But, it didn't feel the same. Something was not right this time, it felt empty, I didn't feel neither happiness of a new world or the sadness of losing the old one. As I just stood there, with 4 blocks of wood in my inventory, I didn't feel like playing, I didn't feel like leaving, I was stuck in a situation where it felt like I was stuck in void that was just thoughtless and completely empty.

I explored the area to see how it was, it was perfectly beautiful, as Minecraft always is. I didn't question it I just kept starring at the sun. As it descended and the moon came up, I went to sleep to avoid dying. I saw those mountains, caves and villages, everything, perfect the way it was in this new world. But, it felt empty, it lacked something, something that I couldn't comprehend no matter what I did, as I began to understand, that no matter what I did and what I tried, nothing could ever replace the first world that we had, no amount of iron and coal could ever make me as happy as I once was. It sometimes comes to me, whether I could go back to my old world but, I know I can't, there is no hope there, you can't go back to something that doesn't exist anymore if you are unhappy in your current state.

It has been months now, since I played Minecraft or even uploaded anything related to minecraft on my YouTube. Maybe I'll come back one day, maybe I'll try the new world and really give it a shot, I miss the Hive as well, I cannot say that they do too but, those are my feelings, not theirs. No matter what happens, no matter how many worlds come and go, I know that I will always have Minecraft to go back to and that one day, that empty void, will disappear too.

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