The line you cut (angst) (part 3)

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(Ok so part 1 and 2 was when they were kids so we are gonna skip too when they are 27 so yeahhhh) (and this is a vent)
Tw:blood, s£lf h@rm, suicide ,cussing, mention of @lcohol
Bobs POV:
I was in bed in pain I have been working at the circus with Robert as a clown for a while now but it's been effecting my mental health a lot like I'm getting bullied lately by f*cking adults! It's sucks really so I have been cutting myself lately, i drank my last bottle of beer and just got up to go to the bathroom while being hung over god I want to end it already, once I got in the bathroom I already and Razors on the sink so I had to do what I always do to cope, I went to the sink and turned the water on and grabbed the razor
1 cut
2 cuts
3 cuts
More and more cuts
Till I'm bleeding everywhere and feeling dizzy
I put my arm in the sink to wash off the blood and got bandages on the cuts and wobbled out the bathroom to my room and passed out on the bed
(Time skip to the morning and btw it's getting close to the death)
I sadly got up from the sun shining in my face and I got up and walked to my closet to put on my clown outfit and makeup for work so I don't get lectured by Robert for not doing it so I get ready for another terrible day so I started with the makeup
(Time skip) after that I started putting on my outfit then I realized why I'm not dead yet..
I give up I don't want to do this anymore..
I grabbed a paper and wrote lots of thoughts on it and grabbed a rope and hung it on the roof and grabbed a chair and put the rope on my neck "I love you Robert...", I said and jumped...
I succeeded...
Roberts POV:
I was wondering why bob was taking so long so I knock on his door but he doesn't answer...
Weird I knock again and still no answer
At this point I was getting impatient so I open the door and in horror I see him hanging off the roof and blood everywhere as tears run down my eyes in shock as I run to him and get him down and wrap him in my arms and ran out the apartment and carried him to the hospital
(Time skip)
I was in the waiting room shaking like crazy hoping that bob didn't die or if he is okay and I jump as I see the doctor come in and he looks sad mixed with disappointment and he walked up to me "I'm sorry he didn't make it", he said and walked off to give me space and I stands there as tear roll down my face as I sobbed into my arms
(So in the next chapter we will see how Robert dies and this chapter is to edgey)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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