the weirdest nightmare ever

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there will be sections based on when i  died/  """""""'woke up""""""" youll see what i mean

(aware) section 1

So i was reading warrior cats in my room on my bed then when i put the book back i got possessed somehow and i couldnt countrol myself and for an unknown reason whatever the fuck possesed me loves staring at power outlets and gets horknee over them.

demons are weird.

Everything was blurry as fuck and i couldnt see and whatever possesed me saw it too and sat on le bed

THEN RIVER RIPPLE FRUM WARRIOR CATS CAME!!!!!! he told me i was in a dream and i better wake up

i already knew that but then i """"""""woke up"""""""""""

(i thought i was in irl lol) section 2

i """"""""woke up""""""""" in a warped and distorted version of my room

i tried to leave but the door was locked on the outside

for some reason the light switch was behind my bookcase and it was covered in be mine stickers (axo gets stalked by yandere real) also there was a note behind my bookcase from my cousin

i forgot what it said, but it was from my cousin

I instantly assumed that it wasnt from my cousin and was from some demon who moved in behind my bOokcase 

i moved the bookcase forward so the demon had more room as a peace offering or something

apperently that worked, because the demon didnt bother me

i walked around my room in circles for like forever until RAINBOW DASH FROM MLP APPEARED????

we got into a argument about something i forgot and then she stabbed me to death

Then i """"""woke up"""""""

(weird inbetweeny of unaware and aware) section 3


there was a stranger there with me

we hit a button somewhere and an outline appeared that we had to build in

so we built with white concrete what was supposed to be there, a rectangle and a heart. (for some reason while doing this i thought of yanderes bc of the heart lmao)

then the strager added things that werent supposed to be there like a torch and i broke them but then i saw a sign that said "DO NOT DESTROY OTHER PLAYERS PROPERTY" which i had done i guess and then i looked up from the sign and saw a flying island.

me and the stranger went to the flying island And there was cool stuff there, like a water fall

the stranger went to the top of the waterfall and i went behind it

Behind the waterfall there was a smiley demon and then i couldnt control myself and walked towards it then when i got too close i regained control  and closed my eyes and plugged my ears cuz i was expecting a jumpscare like usual nightmare demons

apperently that worked cuz nothing happened

UNTIL """""I WOKE UP""""" AGAIN 💀💀💀💀

(aware) section 4:

i woke up there were these weird dog demons with distorted faces above me

they began to rip out my organs

then they all left

And voices told me to go to the waterfall with the smiley demOn

and if theres one thing ive learned from dreams, if a voice that isnt your own tells you to do something, ESPECIALLY  if it involves demons, dont do it.

so i layed down there

and died



it was 4:01 AM wayyyyyyyy before my alarm was going to go off for school

this happened before a monday 💀

my heart rate was like 999999 and i was in diffrent position then where i fell asleep in AND MY NECK HURT SO MUCH LIKE WHAT

it still does

i didnt fall back asleep

what a way to start monday 💀💀💀💀

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