Part- 5 Heartbreak

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(Next Morning)

(Moonbyul told Jimin nd Y/N that she wanna fresh up her mind so going back to her parents house. Jimin didn't get chance to tell Moonbyul about his nd Y/N relationship as he saw how down his sister is feeling now.)

(So Jimin went back to his house nd after getting rdy he straight went for his practice nd also to meet others tell them about Y/N nd his relationship nd to forbid this bet thing forever in front of Y/N.)

(Y/N also went for concert preparation, later she found a new phone in her bag there which she knew It's Jimin who bought it for her but she can't take this expensive thing from him so decided to give him back. She went to BTS practice room but when she reached on door she heard something heartbreaking.)

(Practice Room)

Jimin: Sir believe me there is nothing between me nd Y/N

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Jimin: Sir believe me there is nothing between me nd Y/N. I mean how could u think that just look at me nd look at that girl. Yes she's my Noona's frnd but I don't like her I mean who like a stupid girl like her. (He said with a laugh which clutching Y/N heart outside.)

Bang Si-hyuk: But u were with her yesterday whole day, u think u can fool me Jimin? (He said with a raised brow nd in stern tone which made Jimin bit anxious.)

Jimin: I'm not tricking u Sir.. *sighed* Ok fine I'll tell u everything. Yes I was with her. We went on a long drive nd Yes I also proposed her but that was all a bet. U can ask Tae nd Jungkook.

Taehyung: Yes Sir Jimin is ryt we all bet over Y/N.
Jungkook: Nd Jimin hyung won that.
Jimin: *smirk* I told u guys that girl is not hard to get. Just in two days I won her nd this bet also.

Bang Si-hyung: Ok but u shouldn't play with someone's feelings this is wrong. Nd also she's Ka....... (He stopped thinking it's not necessary to tell them that Y/N is Kai's girlfriend it's Kai's personal matter for him Kai never mentioned to anyone this so he dropped to tell them about this but he also thinking what type of girl Y/N is who betrayed her boyfriend like Kai for Jimin.)

Bang Si-hyuk: What I mean was just u shouldn't bet on something like this.

Jimin: Yes I know Sir but don't worry she won't mind. I'll tell her later just playing for few days more nd I'm sure she must be enjoying it I mean who won't enjoy loved by me nd be in relationship with Park Jimin even it's Fake Love.

Bang Si-hyuk: Fine! If this is all Joke, forget this nd remember about ur concert. It's on day after tomorrow nd we still have tons of work left. Be focused on ur rehearsals, Understand?

Vminkook: Yes Sir.

(Bang Si-hyuk walked out nd same time Hyung line entered inside while bowing him. Jin entered first in room with a small paper bag in his hand.)

Jin: Hey guys whose phone is this? I found it at doorstep. It's look pretty new. (He said while showing the phone box in his hand. Jimin quickly take it in his hand nd his eyes widen in shock when he remember.)

𝗙𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 (He Bet His Members To Make You Fall For Him) [✅] [Jimin FF] Where stories live. Discover now