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{ your pov }

Today me and Chris was going ice skating since today was a day where me and Chris didn't have anything to do. Once we got there we got out of the car and walked into the ice skating place.

We was walking up to the place making small talk once we got to the door Chris opened the door for me. I walked in and turned around

"Thank you"

I said as turned around

"Your welcome"

Chris had said as he walked in. When then walked up to the lady and paid for us to get in. Once we paid we grabbed our ticket so we can get our skates.

We then walked up to the guy that was giving the skates to the people. We told him our sizes, he then went to the back and grabbed the skates. He then walked back up to us and handed them to us. We thanked him and walked over to an area where no one was at.

We took our shoes off and put our skates on. Chris then stood up and helped me since I've never been ice skating before.

"I'm scared as fuck"

I had said as I stood up

"Your gonna be okay, I'm gonna help you"

He said as he helped me walk over to the ice rink. He then had me hold onto the wall while he stepped out then held his hand out for me. I then grabbed his hand and he helped me onto the rink. I was shaking because I was getting scared and nervous.

"Hey, it's okay"

He said as he rubbed my back

He then showed me how to get moving. Once he showed me how he came back over to me and grabbed my hand and had me try. I tried and actually did it. I then started laughing

"I'm doing it, holy shit"

Chris then laughed at my response

"Okay, now I want you to try and do it by yourself"

I then nodded my head and slowly let go of Chris's hands. I then started doing it and Chris was a little bit ahead of me. As I was doing it this guy had came up to me.

"Hey, I thought you was cute and so I came over here to ask for your number"

This guy had said

"I have a boyfriend"

"Well I don't see him"

He said while looking around and he turned around to look at me. Just then Chris came over to me and stood behind me.

"What's going on?"

Chris had said to me

"Who are you supposed to be?"

The guy had said to Chris

"I'm her boyfriend"

Chris had said the guy then mugged him

"You look like a bitch, I mean come on I would be a better boyfriend to her"

He had said while pointing at me

Chris then put me behind him making sure I don't fall. Chris then walked up to the guy and shoved him really hard. The guys then came back up to Chris and went to go and shove him but he failed since Chris moved out the way really quick.

Then Chris had swung on this guy causing then to have a big fight. After about 2 minutes of them fighting people had came over and started to pull them away from each other. Once they got pulled away from each other, Chris came over to me and grabbed my hand.

"Come on we're gonna leave"

I then nodded my head and followed him. We then sat down taking our skates off and put our shoes back on. We then walked over giving over skates to the guy and we left and went home.

Once we got home we went to the bathroom and I cleaned him up. Once I got done Chris then pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry, I just got a bit over protective of you"

I then hugged him back

"It's fine I would've done the same if it was vise versa"

We then hugged for a minutes before sleep pulled away we then walked downstairs to his room. Once we got in there we watched a movie.

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