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In the hidden recesses beyond physical reality, at the border of concept, where the boundaries of sanity dissolve, lurked an ancient abomination later known as Ythylthor. It lurked in the veil between what is and what is not, a conceptual horror, just one of none, and infinite potential others. It hungers.

Its attention fixated on one individual, Samuel Hartwell, an elderly human delving beyond the shallows where man was meant to remain, tormented by his office with a perpetual thirst for forbidden knowledge. This man delved deep into the conceptual space, conceived of Ythylthor in his mind, and birthed that which could be, an idea beyond sanity but before insanity. This idea was alive as many ideas are. Ythylthor hungers, desiring to become like its father, to manifest into physical reality, to become Samuel Hartwell himself. but Samuel's preparation was sure, his will was strong, and his willingness to sacrifice, total. Samuel Hartwell would not die. Ythylthor hungers. could not die, His will was strong, his preparation was sure. Ythylthor hungers. Samuel Hartwell fears the known. He fears for us all. Ythylthor hungers.

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