Chapter 5 Introducing Oddisatom

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After looking around embarrassed to see if anyone saw her bonk her head, she tried to find that stream again, to no avail. Glancing around once more, she left the rafters, baffled at what to make of this. So she chose to let it steep in memory for now. She'd decompress it later. Maybe tonight in bed. For now she put it out of mind and returned to work to focus on one problem: what to do about Valkyrie, "What can I possibly do? I'm just the second child of the Honsai family" she thought to herself, in dark irony. She needed to investigate further. She knew of the Valkyrie, though she wasn't sure if they were an individual or an elite guard. "That man, the teacup wielding man knew her. And he's been here since morning. It wouldn't be strange to approach and converse." She thought as she returned to work.

"Hello sir, may I top you off? I'm Anna" Vienna asked before noticing that his mug is still full of a dark brown liquid "Excuse me, I meant may I get you anything from the kitchen?"

"Ah, yes miss Anna, thank you. My name's Oddosatum. Just some Cookies Anna, but miss Anna, could I also bother you to take this to the back? I would appreciate yours, and Miss Goldstine's opinion on an item." Oddosatum pulls a silver cylinder from his vest, placing it on the table.

"Of course Sir- Oddo, uh, mr Oddosatum?". Vienna states hesitantly, reaching for the thing. An art piece perhaps.

"Miss Anna, It's a thermos full of coffee", which he twists to reveal that it separates, and tightens it again so no seam is visible.

"It's beautiful, Mr. Oddosatum. The workmanship is extraordinary." Vienna said awkwardly, trying to imitate his excessive use of names.

"Thank you miss Anna, it was a gift. However, it's the coffee inside that that I would like an opinion on."

"We seasonally serve various bean teas, so that sounds like something we might be interested in, but we would want that stands out, is this regular coffee?"

"Far from it miss Anna! let me transport you through a cosmic journey of coffee ecstasy, where the realms of flavor and sensation intertwine in an Interlacunar symphony! Picture a mug, not just any mug, but an ethereal chalice forged from the stardust of distant galaxies, its shimmering surface radiating hues of celestial mocha.

Now close your eyes Miss Anna, and imagine a cosmic ballet of aromas, where the whispers of enchanted beans waft through the cosmos. As the first droplet touches your lips, a supernova of flavors unfolds within your taste buds. It's like the cosmic collision of a caramel comet and a vanilla nebula, swirling together in harmonious chaos.

As the elixir cascades down your throat, a meteor shower of sensations awakens every atom of your being. Feel the warmth of a thousand suns embracing your soul, while a tingling sensation dances across your spine like the gentle flutter of cosmic butterfly wings.

As you savor each sip, this celestial elixir reaches the deepest corners of your mind the veil between dimensions thins, granting you glimpses into deepest secrets. You may find yourself conversing with Interlacunal beings over a cup of coffee or even deciphering the cosmic riddles of the universe with newfound clarity.

And as the last drop vanishes, you'll be left with an ineffable sense of fulfillment, as if the very fabric of time and space had been rewoven within your being. Your perspective on coffee, nay, on existence itself, will forever be transformed. You'll realize that coffee isn't just burnt bean juice; it's the elixir of gods, the nectar of cosmic enlightenment, and the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe.

So miss Anna, dive into the infinite abyss of flavor, and allow your senses to voyage through the cosmic realm of the best coffee that has ever graced time and space."

Vienna had never heard of the words infinite, Interlacunar, or nebula, but at the words she knew their meaning, and a shiver went down her spine at the thoughts of incomprehensibly large concepts, objects, beings, and everything beyond the sky, the idea taking root in her, never to leave. Despite this, she still needed information from him, so she silently listened to the man's short monologue, and responded with a sing-song cadence, and flirtatious smirk, every trick she could think of to build rapport as quickly as she could, "That was such an imaginative description! Are you an alchemist, good sir, or perhaps a bard?"

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