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Hi, this is a ZB1/ZeroBaseOne oneshot book.

I'm totally dedicated to make orders (if I get the inspiration I might make some on my own xd). The orders can be made privately or in the comments, if you want them to be anonymous you also have to indicate it in the order.

The orders can be of any type: t/n's, +18, reactions, zb1 x, zb1 x masc. read, lemon, ships between them, etc... I accept all kind of sizes( if you want a short story, long story and if you want I can also make a book for just your request.

Although I accept many things, there are rules that I need everyone to follow:

- No offensive comments towards other readers (anything related to their tastes, sexuality, requests, etc.) Bad comments will be deleted.

- Do not make offensive comments towards me (writer). Respect my dedication and work.

- Remember that this book is the English version of my other book "ONESHOTS ZB1/ZEROBASEONE", this one is in Spanish, if you want you can support it in my profile.

- Be patient when waiting for the orders, I also have a life xd.

- Enjoy the book freely. <3

Thank you very much for your orders, thank you.

ONESHOTS ZB1/ZEROBASEONE ENG.VERWhere stories live. Discover now