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Long story
Not proof read

{ nick pov }

Me, Matt, Chris and y/n are going on a road trip today. We are in our rooms getting the last of our stuff packed together. I was grabbing my skincare when Matt walked in.

"You think y/n and Chris are going to confess on this trip?"

He asked as he shut my door and sat on my bed

"I hope so, I mean it's so obvious that they like each other they just don't want to admit there feelings for each other"

Matt then nodded his head

"Are you about done because everyone else is, so we are just waiting for you"

Matt said as he stood up and stretched while popping his back.


I said as I zipped my suitcase closed

"But don't bring anything of this shit between Chris and y/n to them because you already there gonna be all like 'nO wErE jUsT gOoD fRiEnDs'"

I had said making Matt laugh and nod his head has he walked out of my room. I walked out behind him closing my door.

We then headed downstairs to see y/n and Chris sitting on the couch being all touchy with each other. Me and Matt looked at each other. Matt then spoke up

"You two ready to go?"

{ your pov }


Me and Chris both had said in sync. He then stood up and helped me up. We then grabbed our suitcases and head out the door to the van. We put our suitcases in the back of the van. Me and Chris sat in the middle while Nick and Matt in front.

I then grabbed my blanket throwing it over me. Chris then grabbed my blanket putting some over him. We then pulled out of the driveway. I then pulled my phone and AirPods out. I had put *name a song* on and put them down on my lap. I then put my head on Chris's shoulder while Chris put his head on my head. After a couple minutes I was passed out.

{ nick pov }

It was about 45 minutes into the drive and I looked back to see what y/n and Chris was doing. They was asleep while y/n had her head on on Chris's shoulder and he had his on top of her head while his arm was around her waist. I then took my phone out and took a pictures of it and showed Matt. Matt looked at my phone for a second then the road.

"I'm telling you they like each other"

Matt had said while focusing on the road

"I think we both know that"

{ skip to when they get to the hotel }

{ your pov }

I had woke up about 2 and half hours ago. I was just playing a game on my phone when we pulled into the parking lot at the hotel. Matt pulled into a parking lot. I then took my AirPod out putting on back in its case and putting in back into a sweatpants pocket.

We then hopped out and grabbed our suitcases and headed into the hotel. We got checked in and headed to our room. When we got into the room to see it had 2 beds.

"You and Chris are sleeping in the same bed, me and Nick already agreed to sleep in the same bed"

Matt had said as he walked over to his and Nick's bed. I then nodded my head and walked over to mine and Chris's bed putting the suitcase on the bed opening it pulling out clothes to sleep in.

I then headed to the bathroom to change and brushes my teeth. Once I got out I put my clothes in the laundry mash. Then closing the suitcase and setting it next to the wall. I then sat on the bed and plugged my phone and AirPods in. I then got under the cover sitting up waiting for everyone else.

Once everyone was done we all laid down and turned the lights off. I then had laid down on my side facing Chris. Meanwhile Chris was laying on his back.

After about 20 minutes I couldn't sleep I couldn't go to sleep because the only thing I could think of was Chris. After about 2 minutes I felt Chris move his hand move to mine and he grabbed my hand holding onto it. After about 10 minutes of us holding hands Chris looked down at me and I looked up at him.

I then got up letting go of his hand sand walked out the hall I needed to take a breather. After being out in the hall for a couple minutes Chris walked out of the room. He then walked up to me

He then walked up to and started talking about how he like me and wanted to be with me desperately. He then grabbed my hand I didn't even move my hand away from his.

"So what do you think?"

He said after he got done talking.

"No I can't Chris"

I said letting go of his hand and stepped back a couple feet. He then kept asking me why. After a little bit a gave up because I do like him.

"Okay fine, I do like you Chris"

He then smiled at me and I walked up to him. He then pulled me in by my waist and pulled me into a kiss. I then put my hands on his jaw. He then deepened the kiss.

{ Matt pov }

I had woke up to go to the bathroom. I then went to the bathroom but when I walked out I didn't see y/n or Chris in the bed. Weird. I then walked back over to the bed and woke Nick up.

"Nick wake up"

I had said shaking him


He had said opening his eyes

"Chris and y/n aren't in there bed"

"What do you mean?"

He said turning on the light next to his bed he then looked over to their bed seeing them not in the bed. He then looked at me confused I then shrugged

He then got up and walked over to the door and opened it quietly considering people was still asleep. He then look left and then right he then put he head back into the room. He then put and hand over his moth in shock.


I mouthed he then pointed in the direction. I then poked my head out of the door to see y/n and Chris just making out in the hall. I then look at nick shocked. He then pulled me back into the room and quietly shut the door.

"How about we wait until they come into the room and then we say something about"

I then nodded my head and we went over and sat on the bed. After a minute they walked back in and looked right back up at us shocked that we are awake.

"How was your guys little make out session?"

Nick had said y/n then put her head on Chris's back since she was behind him.

"H-how do you k-now that?"

Chris had said as y/n wrapped her arms around him.

"Because I woke up and didn't see you guys in bed so me and Nick opened the door and seen you two"

Chris then put his head down and then tapped y/n's arm to let her know to unwrap her arms. She unwrapped her arms and Chris then walked over to the embarrassed along with y/n. They both then sat down on their bed.

"Can we just talk about this in the morning?"

Chris had said me and Nick then nodded. Nick turned off his light and we laid back down. Along with y/n and Chris

{ your pov }

I gotten laid back down in bed and Chris pulled me over to him. I then laid my head down on his chest and my arm around him. We then slowly fell asleep.

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