1. The Gem (edited)

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A sunny day, in view was a mountain covered with snow, suddenly the side of it caved in as some force shook the structure

Inside can be seen the Crystal Gems, fighting a corrupted gem, the gem was slammed into the wall causing cracks to form on walls and the gems physical form

Garnet, the leader of the Crystal Gems had caused the collapse inside and the crash with the corrupted gem

Garnet:"there we go" she stood calmly as she satisfied with the results of her attack

Pearl:"one more attack should do it!" She spoke seriously as she looked at the poor Gem

An ice spike suddenly collapsed onto the Gems arm causing their arm to break off and crumble onto the floor

Steven looked on with guilt and worry, he felt sorry for them "yikes your arm" he grabbed his own out of instinct

Garnet dashed at the gem before attacking, causing it to crack and crumble to the floor before poofing into the air, leaving behind a gem that was launched into the air

Thankfully pearl caught the gem before bubbling off to the temple

Pearl:"now there's nothing in between us and the shooting star" she looked ahead, but suddenly the cave started to collapse on them

Amethyst:"wow!, this job is getting dangerous!" She dodged debrie as it fell from the ceiling, but suddenly was covered by all the debrie "help!"

Steven:"Don't worry amethyst, I will get you out of there!" He ran to her before being picked up by Garnet

Garnet:"I'm sending you back to the temple" he was confused, how was she going to send him off if he's with them without a warp

Steven:"but garnet how are you go-" a bubble surrounded him causing him to slightly realize the situation "you can bubble me!?" The surprise turned to wonder, she nodded

Pearl also realized this and in desperation she ran to stop her "Garnet no!" but she was too late, she had already sent him away

Garnet:"watch your head" she looked down at a small pendant on her person, a small heart with four small colored gems on it, Green, Blue, Red and Magenta, before smiling warmly 'hope you could see me'

Meanwhile Steven was screaming as he was suddenly warped into Garnet's room, with other bubbles, looking around before seeing the recently captured gem

Steven:"well look at you, in a bubble... hmm now let's see" he starts to tear through the bubble, successfully letting himself out before falling onto another two, both being green gems but not the same

One of them was an elegant looking Gem, black tints in some sections and the other looking like a eye

Suddenly both bubbles popped, releasing the gems inside, one of them suddenly formed into its physical form

Steven suddenly remembers this gem "the Centipeetle!" He crawled away, fearing for some type of attack

But all he was met with was the centipede, looking around scared, shaking in fear, Steven realized that it was terrified

Steven:"it looks so scared" he got closer slowly "uhh hi, I'm Ste-" he was cut off by a slash from an elegant weapon, looking as white as the moons light shine

The poor Gem poofed before being bubbled by a Green gem, he was tall, slightly taller then Garnet from what Steven could tell

The door to the room burst open with pearl being worried, before seeing the situation, and out of instinct thinking of the worst

Pearl:"get away from him you monster!" She ran at him, driving her spear into his body, but was met with a swift backhand from him causing her to be launched into the stone wall

Garnet ran into the room, expecting the worst, but it was far from it, it was her lover, the love of her life, her soulmate, her future husband

Izuku:"well why would you attack a comrade eh?" He looked at her, his piercing glance breaking through her eyes, looking into her soul

Pearl:"and who might yo-" she suddenly got a good look at him, seeing a familiar looking face "izuku is that you?" She was relieved but slightly hateful but that all subsided as footsteps made themselves known

He was suddenly pinned to the ground by Garnet, her visor was taken off, letting him get a good look at her before he picked themselves up from the ground and spinned her around

Garnet:"izuku your reformed!" She hugged him tightly

She got a good look at him realizing a change in his physical form, he looked more human like

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She got a good look at him realizing a change in his physical form, he looked more human like

Izuku:"theirs my Ruby Red and Laughy Saffy, you look even more beautiful then our first glance!" He kissed her cheek, taking in the beautiful sight before him

They were suddenly interrupted by Steven
"umm who is he?" Amethyst wondered the same thing

Garnet:"well umm, he was part of the rebellion before the war, he fought right besides me and he's umm *whispering* my lover" stars were present in Steven's eyes

Izuku:"hello Steven, I'm Izuku, I'm Garnet's Lover" he lent a hand, picking him up into his arms before looking at Garnet "he's your's?"

Garnet:"no, he's Rose's son" izuku looked at her

Izuku:"mind repeating that?" He scratched his head

And they spent the rest of the day explaining everything he missed, from the end of the war to Steven and who he is and was

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