father troubles

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((this is my first story so if there are any mistakes ill just be chillin))

Greenland woke up half expecting to see his brother on the bed across the room or quietly mumbling some words to himself. Greenland didn't see his brother though, he figured he was already in the other room. With a stretch Greenland rose out of bed, rubbing his eyes he looked at the old digital clock on his nightstand "10:30" he read out loud, wait... "10:30?!" he exclaimed, he quickly fell out of bed tumbling slightly, he ran his hands trough his closet and picked out his favorite green sweater and a pair of grey sweatpants he quickly slip them on and grabbed his fuzzy red coat that his dad got him for Christmas a couple years back he flew his door open almost hitting his uncle Finland in the face while he was about to get him up. Finland watched as the tall boy ran out of the door while still slipping his coat on "woah woah, what's with the hurry this morning tough guy?" Finland joked as Greenland was practically tumbling with every step, Greenland shouted back at his uncle "I am going to meet Iceland at the park so i can see what he has been talking about all this time!" Finland rolled his eyes, but after Greenland was out of the door Finland's smile slowly curved into a sorrowful frown, Sweden happened to be walking by and immediately realized why he was frowning "hey, we tried to get Denmark out of this, there's nothing we can do about it, plus he will finally be able to work on his people skills!" Sweden said while patting Finland on his shoulder.

Greenland was so excited to see what his brother had been planning, was it something with his friends? he knew that he had been talking to more people from the school, Greenland had already graduated from the school that his brother was going to currently, he hated going to that place, it was like he was being watched from every corner, and it didn't help that he was extremally tall for his age, he wasn't the tallest, he still paled in comparison to the scariest guy in school, 'Russia', god how much he hated seeing the fights break out between him and other smaller countries, watching them break their noses, arms legs... he was happy it never happened to him. Before he knew it he was at the gates of the park, he took a deep breath and walked in, scanning the area around him awaiting the familiar off-center red cross with the white outline. After scanning for a couple seconds he spotted his brother, only one thing... he felt his smile drop, his heart started racing, his eyes widened, his brother was standing with Russia's younger brother, Ukraine, he knew if he said one thing wrong he would be in the hospital for a week.

Iceland looked over and saw his brother standing there, he signaled Ukraine to fallow him, and they walked over to his brother, Greenland shook his head and wiped the frown on his face with a smile "nice to meet you! Im Ukraine, i hope we can hang out soon!" Ukraine held out his hand and smiled politely, Greenland shook Ukraine's hand and noticed Ukraine wore a nice pastel blue sweater with embordered flowers on the the breast pocket, in general Ukraine seemed a lot more gentle and way less aggressive than Russia was, he sighed in relief. "Im Greenland, and y-yeah it would be nice to hang out soon..." Greenland said quietly "Oh speak up you gentle giant! this is why dad scolds you about your people skills!" Iceland said in a demanding tone,

Greenland didn't even know why he was there, if he knew why he was going he probably wouldn't have gone. he felt someone bump into his shoulder "did ya hav'ta stand in the middle of the pathway dude?" a familiar English accent questioned, "s-sorry, i-i forgot i was in the w-way" Greenland could hear his voice tremble, he didn't think America was scary, he just didn't like the fact that he was the one who fought with Russia the most, yet he'd only broken his nose once, it didn't help he was cocky in every way possible, he moved out of the way, Iceland and Ukraine fallowed, the three watched as the annoying yet surprisingly short country strut his way past the three, making sure he glared down Greenland, after he passed Ukraine said "what a stuck up prick."

after a couple hours of gossiping about stuff Iceland and Greenland said their goodbyes and headed home "im happy you finally talked to someone only stuttering once!" Iceland said obviously mentioning when Greenland greeted Ukraine "Oh shut up you numb-skull." Greenland said while trying to crunch as many leaves under his shoe as possible. When the two arrived home the sky was dimming, the duo walked into the house, they where walking to their shared room when Greenland was stopped by his father. "son. lets talk" Denmark said while reaching his hand up at his freakishly tall son, 'what did i do now' Greenland thought while going to the dining table and sitting down, his legs hitting the bottom of the table, just goes to show how short his family was compared to him, His father walked to the other side of the table and sat down,

"so? what's up? do i need to 'fix my posture'? cuz it doesn't help when the chairs are an inch tall." Greenland said mocking his short father. "no, but i wanted to discuss something you cant refuse, because its for your own good." his father said making Greenland's heart sink a little "i wanted to discuss collage with you." Greenland almost fainted 'collage?' his mind went blank, 'i would have to be with older countries, a roommate i probably didn't want' his mind was racing "no." Greenland said quietly "what was that?" his father questioned him "I SAID NO, IM NOT GOING TO A HELL HOLE WHERE I CANT BE AROUND THE PEOPLE I LOVE THE MOST!" Greenland exclaimed while he slammed his hands on the table, slightly shaking the house with it "how about you go outside, get some fresh air, like i said, this isn't a choice you have." his father calmly shooed his son off,

Greenland drudged out of the house, feeling the subtle fall breeze on his skin as he walked down the street, something caught his eye, he turned to see what it was, a tall slender figure sat leaning against a light post, Greenland noticed he was tall, like really tall, considering Greenland was 6,6 this guy had to be like 13 feet tall, the figure walked over to Greenland, startling him "figured i would talk to someone since im gonna be drunk in a dorm in a few months" the figure said awkwardly standing Infront of Greenland "hi, im antarctica, i just moved here, before you ask why im so tall, im a continent, not a country" Greenland was confused, it seemed the person was in the same boat as him, Greenland felt a smile grow on his face.

i am unbelievably surprised that i got this done in two hours, hehe hope yall like it! this is probably something i will get really into then forger about it and move on to something else.

word count: 1243

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