Chapter Two: Quidditch

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Hermione shoved a piece of bacon into her mouth and turned the page of a huge Potions book with the other hand. It was a Sunday, Hermione's studying day. Ginny always laughed when Hermione told her this. "Every day is study day for you," she'd joke.

Today, however, was a horrible day to be studying. The weather was so delicious it was tempting even for Hermione to abandon the musty common room, where she was planning to spend the day after eating breakfast, and head outside to the breezy grounds, where students would be picnicking, swimming in the lake, or just lying around lazily in the sunshine. All Hermione's homework was done, of course. Maybe she could skip studying, just for one day.

No, she couldn't. she was being unrealistic. With the N.E.W.T.s coming up in only a few months, she couldn't afford to skip a single Sunday. Hermione still wasn't sure what job she wanted to have when she got out of school, but she knew that whatever it was, she would probably need top marks for it.

Hermione shut her book and turned to her neglected toast, which was now cold and dry. As she started to apply butter and jam, the morning post owls appeared, swooping over the four house tables and delivering letters and parcels to their owners. Hermione looked up hopefully. Sure enough, two owls dropped down in front of her plate, knocking over her goblet of pumpkin juice.

One owl held a tightly furled Daily Prophet, the other, Hermione instantly recognized as Harry's new owl Nolint. He carried a bulging letter and a parcel wrapped in brown paper.

Hermione took the Prophet first and deposited a Knut in the little leather pouch tied to the owl's leg. He ruffled his feathers importantly and took off.

Next Hermione untied the letter and package from Nolint's legs and stroked him. "Say hi to Harry for me, okay?" She whispered so no one else would hear her talking to an owl. She fed him a bit of toast, patted him on the head, then let him fly off.

Hermione unrolled the newspaper and smoothed it flat, scanning the headlines and moving pictures to see if any stories were worth reading. Most of them were about recovery from the war on Voldemort, but there were a couple about Kingsley's new policies as Minister, one about captured Death Eaters, and an exclusive book excerpt of "The Real Dumbledore: As I Knew Him" by none other than Harry Potter himself.

Speaking of Harry...

Hermione slid open the envelope that contained Harry's letter and began to read it.

Dear Hermione,
How are you? Studying like mad for N.E.W.T.s? Thought so.
Things are just fine here. I'm doing well at the Auror program and may even be able to pass soon! Can you believe it? In the meantime, I've found lots of time to work on my book, which is now finished and will go into print soon (I think they're putting an excerpt in the paper soon) And figure out stuff about the recovery for the war. The Death Eaters have scattered, and the fully-trained aurors are keeping very busy. I may be sent to help soon.
No luck with your parents. Last time I heard, they left Australia for a few months on holiday, and no one's sure where they went. Of course, nobody in the Ministry is really looking. Apparently they have "more important things to do." Yeah, whatever. I'm going to look myself soon if they don't.
Hope everything's all right at Hogwarts. Did you know that Neville is planning to apply for Herbology teacher once Professor Sprout retires? I really hope he gets it, he'd be a good teacher.
Don't forget to say hello to Hagrid for me. I miss him a lot- and visiting him, which was our Saturday ritual. I definitely don't miss his rock cakes though. He's written to me a few times so far, he seems all right. Fang and Grawp doing well, then? Has Hagrid been making you teach Grawp English and how not to rip up trees? Does he actually know how to say your name yet, Hermy-own?
Give Ginny and Luna (but especially Ginny) my love. I miss them both (especially Ginny) and hope to see them both soon (especially Ginny).
Speaking of missing stuff, how's the Gryffindor team holding up? I know Ginny is captain, but I don't know much else. I do hope we're winning, but I believe in Ginny's ability to put together a good team. Is Luna still commentating? I hope she is, it was really entertaining when she did.
I went out to see a Puddlemere United game the other night with a couple of other Aurors-in-training. It was incredible. I barely recognized Oliver Wood, who plays on the team now. he's 23 now and looks insanely different. He plays 1000 times better than he used to too, but I'm guessing you're not interested in that.
Give Ginny my love.
Your friend,
Harry Potter
P.S. Ron seems really sorry, by the way. You should give him another chance.

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