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In the beginning, Arceus created the whole world of Pokemon. There are no other superior to him. He created all of the kings, they say. He created all of the kingdoms, they say. He also created each and every individual Pokemon, they say.

Here's how it all works: Each Pokemon that you know; there is only one of them in the entire world. Until they evolve or die (they only die if they don't have any other bonus evolutions), there can be no other Pokemon that looks like them.

Ok, now that THAT'S out of the way, let's begin . . . 

Hello guys, I know that this is a book I just published, however it's the first one I wrote that I'm still working on, so be prepared if it sounds a little unlike me. @yourFEATHERS got a bit of a preview while I was working out my publishing problems, but they're technically the only one to know a little about what's going on. If you have questions, just comment and I'll get back to you.
And thus this tale begins . . . 

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