Crush Models: Akutagawa x reader

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Song of the day: Fashion by Britney Manson

Question of the day: In a modern BSD AU (no abilities and stuff), what job do you think the characters would have?

Before you start, this is a modern AU (more precisely fashion AU), so the characters won't have the same job as the original BSD. This also means that abilities don't exist in this AU. Enjoy this oneshot!

Guide to acronyms and words I'll be using:
Y/N = Your name
L/N = Last name
S/C = Skin color
H/L = Hair length
H/C = Hair color
E/C = Eye color


L/N Y/N is a new model who just joined the fashion industry just a few months ago. Yet, she has already become the most popular and liked female model of the year. As for the most popular and liked male model of the year, Akutagawa holds that position for three years straight.

Everybody loves Y/N and claims that she embodies the definition of an angel. She has beautiful, smooth, and clear S/C skin along with H/L, silky, H/C hair. Big, bright E/C eyes that seem to shine, even in the dark. Not to mention, she has an incredibly nice personality as well!

Meanwhile, all of the girls love Akutagawa for his slim build and pale skin. People fawn over his black hair, his bangs that turn white at the tips. His sharp eyes emphasize on his cold, mysterious personality.

A secret that no one knows is that Y/N has always admired Akutagawa ever since she first saw him, before he became widely known. When she found out that he created an Instagram account, Y/N was the first one to follow him on her private account. If you ask her about her biggest dream, she'll tell you, with shining E/C eyes and a huge smile on her lips, "One day, I would like to model with Akutagawa!"

Little did Y/N know, luck was on her side. More like it's the author that's on her side, but let's not break the fourth wall.


On a nice, sunny day, Y/N was in a car with her manager, going to a photoshoot to advertise a new perfume with a male model. However, they didn't receive any information on who this person was.

Y/N didn't care much though. She was busy staring out the window, admiring the view outside from the front seat.

"Y/N! Focus!" said Kunikida rather loudly while driving the car.

"I am! Why are you so stressed anyway?" questions Y/N in a nonchalant, yet curious manner.

"This male model must have a good reputation. We can't risk ruining your image, you know? We need to use this as an opportunity to increase your popularity!"

Turning her head away from the window, she leans more towards Kunikida, "Why do we still need to increase it? I'm already the number one female model already."

"The boss told me to ensure your popularity stays high. It can fall in a mere seconds at any moment. Make sure you are careful with your actions. Got it?"

Y/N's modeling agency, ADA (don't ask what it stands for in this AU), has been saved ever since she joined and started trending all over social media.

"Yes sir!" she grinned.


Arriving at their destination, the beautiful lady caught the eyes of everybody present as she passed by them. That also includes the guy that she was going to model with, who only arrived just a bit after her.

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