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Aaradhya's POV

I felt a strange sense of relief wash over me when I noticed he was no longer sprawled across my bed. Before Anvi knocked on my door, I realized he had slipped away, leaving me with the remnants of a restless night. I didn't care. He could have easily jumped out the window like the lizard he resembled, scaling the walls of my life with effortless ease.

As I moved through my daily routine, my mind was only half engaged, thoughts drifting between mundane tasks. I shuffled into the breakfast room, the familiar aroma of my mother's cooking wafting through the air, intertwining with the warmth of morning sunlight spilling through the windows. The sight of my family gathered around the table brought a moment of comfort, yet my heart was still tangled in confusion and uncertainty.

"Aaradhya, you are twenty-six. If you have anyone you like, tell us. We want you to get settled, dear," my mother said, her voice laced with concern and maternal love. I felt the weight of her expectations settle heavily on my shoulders, a pressure I wasn't sure how to bear.

"Mumma, please," I replied, my tone edged with frustration. "You know what happened with Raunak. I need some time to think." The memory of that relationship haunted me, a shadow lurking in the corners of my mind, reminding me of what I had lost and the hurt that still lingered.

"Beta, try to understand. We need to look for Anvi too, and don't forget you have two sisters," she countered, her eyes searching mine for any sign of understanding. I could feel the urgency in her voice, the underlying fear that time was slipping away.

"Aaru, we're not saying you have to say yes, but at least meet the matches," my father chimed in, his tone authoritative yet gentle, like a soft yet unyielding tide.

The moment hung in the air, thick with expectation. I glanced at him, the lizard who had invaded my life, and suddenly all I could think about was the chaos he had brought. How could I focus on meeting potential suitors when I was caught in the whirlwind of emotions he stirred within me? I wanted to argue, to push back against the pressure, but as I looked at my father's earnest face, I knew it was a battle I couldn't win.

"Okay, Papa," I conceded, my voice barely above a whisper.

Even as I agreed, my heart twisted in my chest. I knew they were worried about my future, but my mind was a chaotic mess. I could hardly fathom the idea of meeting new guys when he lurked in the background, an ever-present reminder of the turmoil within me.

He had come out of nowhere, a savior draped in mystery, and I couldn't help but wonder why he was so intent on marrying me. What did he see in me? And what did I even want? The confusion gnawed at my insides, a constant reminder that my life was no longer my own.

As I sat at the breakfast table, the clinking of cutlery and the gentle murmur of my family felt like a distant echo. I forced a smile, trying to mask the storm raging inside me, but the truth was I was tethered to him in ways I didn't fully understand.

God, I was so tired. My body felt like it had been run through a wringer, and my mind wasn't faring much better. The meeting with the manufacturers had gone well enough, or so I hoped. At this point, all I could do was cross my fingers and pray they'd collaborate with us. My workload seemed to grow exponentially, and with each passing day, I found myself more buried beneath it. I needed more employees—desperately—but even the thought of hiring felt like another mountain to climb.

As I sat at my desk, typing furiously, my fingers almost moving on autopilot, the low hum of my phone vibrating against the wood jolted me out of my focus. The small, persistent buzz cut through the clacking of the keyboard, demanding attention. I stilled, my fingers hovering just above the keys, my breath hitching in anticipation.

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