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i sat on the bench in the locker room

i was being horrible

i was being sensitive

for no reason

nothing happened to me

maybe a few girls whispered

but why would that matter?

it was a regular occurrence.

and then i felt tears sliding down my face

was i crying? why was i crying?

and then the locker room door opened

i quickly rubbed my eyes

wasn't the game still going?

but of course, it was jimin


"are you crying?"

"no, why would i be crying?"

she moved forward and sat beside me

her thigh almost touched mine and my heart raced

"it looks like you're crying." she spoke in a whisper

i wiped my eyes again, and she was right, i was crying.

"what are you doing here?" i asked ignoring what she said

"you ran out of the room, so i came to check on you."
before i could reply, she spoke again.

"why are you crying?"

why was i crying? i didn't even know.

"i don't know."

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