Chapter 6: The Am-AH-Zon Race

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Inara kicked her feet as she ate a chocolate bar. Next to her sat Izzy, who was fiddling with the chair.

The announcement over the intercom announced that they were landing in the Amazon, and Inara stopped chewing.

The Amazon was undoubtedly one of the most dangerous places in the entire world. How little did Chris think of their lives? Someone could die!

Chris came back onto the intercom. "Gee, I hope no-one on Team Amazon said that this might be good luck for them, heh heh he,"

Inara snickered. Gwen did.

"Hm," Alejandro said. "Team Amazon in the Amazon. How...ironic,"

Inara nodded along. "Such a shame,"

No-one was sure what exactly she meant by that.

Soon, they were standing with the other teams on the ground in the dense jungle. Inara stared at her feet, looking out for any venomous snakes.

"Um, mi amor, what are you doing?" Alejandro asked.

"Making sure that I don't get bitten by anything," Inara replied. "I don't feel like dying slash going to the hospital today,"

"What about tomorrow?" Noah asked.

Inara thought about it for a minute. "Yeah, that should be fine,"

Noah and Alejandro exchanged a concerned look.

Inara wasn't paying attention to Chris as he explained the challenge. Her lookout for deadly animals didn't leave much room to listen to whatever bullshit challenge the deranged host had in store for them.

Until an EpiPen hit her head.

"Ow! Wait, why do I have this?" Inara held it up.

"Because we're legally required to have one," Chris said. "In case Cody gets bitten by anything,"

"Okay, but I'm not on Cody's team, so why do I have it?" Inara pressed.

"Because, at least for this challenge, your part of Team Amazon!" Chris announced.

"What!?!?!" Inara wasn't the only one shocked at this news.

"That's right! But don't worry, this will only be for this challenge. It's not permanent,"

Inara breathed a huge sigh of relief.

"Unless I suddenly decide otherwise,"

Inara froze.

"Inara, please go stand with your new teammates," Chris smirked. Inara blew some hair out of her face and moved to stand next to Cody, twirling his EpiPen in her hand.

Then the teams set off through the jungle. Inara was still watching out for snakes, spiders, giant swooping birds that'll pluck the eyeballs from your face, the like.

"So. Inara," Cody said, trying to keep casual. "You do know how to use my EpiPen, right?"

Inara shook her head. "Nope. No idea,"

Cody smiled. This was perfect! "Don't worry. It's simple. If I get bit, you just jam the needle into my naked butt cheek,"

"What if you get bitten again?" Inara asked.

Cody shrugged. "Lawsuits for my death, I guess,"

Inara's face paled and she shivered. It took a few minutes for her to realise something very important.

"Did you say naked butt cheek!?!?"

That attracted the attention of Sierra, Gwen, Courtney, and Heather.

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